9 Additional Lessons One Latter-day Saint Learned From Losing and Regaining His Faith
This article was originally written by Morgan Jones for Deseret News. The following is an excerpt.
On July 15, 2014, Rich Millar shared his story about losing and regaining his faith with the world.
Millar, a Utah County resident who served a mission in Russia before falling away from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, felt that if only three people read his Facebook post about the 18 lessons he learned through his trial of faith and just one benefitted from it, it would be worth it.
In January 2015, the Mormon Channel created a video about Millar’s experience as part of its His Grace series. The Deseret News saw the video and Facebook post, and, with Millar’s permission, reposted his 18 lessons early last year.
Instead of three people reading about Millar’s experiences, tens of thousands read his words, and he is still surprised by the response.
“Overwhelmingly, the response has been positive, and it has been so awesome,” Millar said. “I’ve had so many people reach out to me and either just thank me or say they have gone through something similar or they have a friend or family member going through something similar … and that reading my message brought them hope or helped them along their path. And that, to me, has been really awesome, and it has been amazing to see.”
Read the full article at DeseretNews.com.