Should we watch shows that have LGBTQ characters?

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Joined: May 2014



Should we allow TV shows that depict some characters as LGBTQ in our homes?




In today’s world, media representation plays an essential role in shaping societal attitudes and norms. As families sit down to enjoy their favorite television shows, they may encounter characters that identify as LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer). This raises a significant question: Should we allow TV shows that depict such characters in our homes? For members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, this question intertwines deeply with faith, compassion, and the evolving landscape of cultural representation.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints approaches the topic of same-sex attraction with a perspective rooted in understanding and kindness. According to Church teachings, feelings of same-sex attraction are not inherently sinful; rather, it is the action taken upon those feelings that is viewed as contrary to the Church’s doctrine. This nuanced understanding emphasizes the importance of compassion for individuals experiencing these feelings, as stated in an official Church resource: “The Church acknowledges that same-sex attraction is a complex issue that requires kindness and understanding.”

Church leaders have reiterated that individuals who identify as LGBTQ can fully participate in Church life, provided they strive to live the law of chastity. This commitment to inclusivity underscores the Church’s belief that all individuals deserve love and respect, regardless of their sexual orientation. The increasing acknowledgment of LGBTQ individuals within the Church community reflects a broader movement towards compassion and understanding.

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