From Buddhist to Bishop: The Norm Fukui Story

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Kylie Ravsten

Joined: May 2014

This article was originally written by Jerry Earl Johnston for Deseret News. 

What converts find most compelling about a new religion, some say, is not the doctrine but the lives of those who believe it.

So it was with Norman Fukui, a Bear River City native who not only went from farm boy to bank executive, but from a Buddhist to bishop in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

His life has been a Mormon trek.

“Some people say they’d like to read my journal,” he said with a laugh.

Perhaps one day it will be in print. But for now, here are the highlights.

The Fukui home, for young Norm, brimmed with devotion — devotion to Japanese Buddhism. His mother kept a shrine in the house that had been passed down to her. At times the aroma of incense wafted about. In those days young Norm was a regular at the small Buddhist temple in Box Elder County.

Read Johnston’s full post at