Glenn Beck Reveals Faith Empowered Him Through Health Struggle

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Elizabeth Cole

Joined: Oct 2014

On Monday evening, talk show host Glenn Beck revealed that he has been struggling for years with a serious illness, even while in the midst of his ongoing radio and television programs.

His condition baffled doctors for years, and his symptoms included losing parts of his memory and debilitating pain in his limbs. He and his family relocated to Dallas, Texas in part hoping that the warmer climate would help turn around his symptoms. Doctors suggested that he take a year off from his work, which he did not.

“In my prayers I would say, ‘Ok, am I done, can I put my sword down now?’, but the answer was always ‘No’,” Beck said in a two-part video he made in which he detailed his struggle.

Beck heard about the Carrick Brain Center from his Navy SEAL friends. Beck said, “I wondered (big miracle) what are the odds of me moving from New York City to Dallas, Texas, and buying a studio that was literally three and a half minutes down the street from the only place in the world that seems to specialize in exactly what was wrong with me?”

At the Carrick Brain Center, Beck received the diagnosis that several factors were causing his body to shut down, including an autoimmune disorder and adrenal fatigue. Over this last summer, his condition has improved with electric stimulation therapy and other treatments.

Glenn Beck, a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, attributes his endurance and recovery to his faith in God.

What’s funny is that at the same time that my body and brain were shutting down my spirit was growing stronger.

Beck continued, “He was humbling me, He was making [my relationship with my wife] stronger, and He was it making really clear that I understood that He was the author of my life, He was the one who would animate me, and I would shortly find out that literally every breath I took, every step I made was a gift from Him.”

When Beck finally received his diagnosis, the doctors told him that they were amazed that he had been able to continue his work through his debilitating pain.

“My doctors told me that it was my faith in God that was powering me through all of this.”