Groundbreaking for Kinshasa and Barranquilla Temples Scheduled for the New Year

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Kylie Ravsten

Joined: May 2014

Leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints announced that the Church will break ground for two temples in early 2016: the Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo Temple and Barranquilla Colombia Temple.

President Monson announced both of these temples during the October 2011 General Conference. A groundbreaking ceremony marks the beginning of construction for a temple as Church leaders will typically join local civic leaders as they dig up the first shovels of dirt.

Mormon Newsroom reports that the groundbreaking for the Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo Temple is scheduled for Friday, February 12, 2016. Africa currently has three operating temples—in Ghana, Johannesburg and Nigeria.

President Monson has announced two more African temples—in the Ivory Coast and Durban, South Africa—that await their own groundbreaking ceremonies. 

The groundbreaking for Barranquilla Colombia Temple is scheduled for Saturday, February 20, 2016. Mormon Newsroom reports that the first temple built in Colombia is in Bogota. 

The Church will announce open house and dedication dates for these two temples as the construction comes close to an end.