Mormons More Faithful With More Education

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Morgan Hampton

Joined: Jan 2015

This article was originally written by Katherine Orgill for The Digital Universe. 

College graduates across the country face the daunting task of transitioning from their education to career endeavors.  At such an eventful phase of life, graduates are rarely preoccupied with religion, faith and church attendance.

A study published in the Review of Religious Research indicates that as members of various faiths receive increasingly higher education, they decrease in their religious activities or their tendencies toward religion. This conclusion was true in all but one case — that of the LDS church.

Church attendance percentage, church affiliation and religious observance increase as LDS members gain more education.

Consistent with the results of the study, within the LDS church, leaders place significant focus on the attainment of higher education.

“It is so important that you young men and you young women get all of the education that you can,” said the late Gordon B. Hinckley, former Church president. “The Lord has said very plainly that his people are to gain knowledge of countries and kingdoms and of things of the world through the process of education, even by study and by faith.”

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