How to Prepare for a Temple Sealing After Adopting
This article was originally published in LDS Living by Lindsey Redfern. Below is an excerpt.
My husband and I are infertility survivors. After learning that our mortal bodies were not able to create children, our hearts began to turn toward adoption. This decision came with serious prayer, contemplation, and faith. For me, there was even some healthy mourning for the dream of being able to physically carry and deliver a child.
Growing up, I remember my mom telling me how spiritual the delivery room was for her when I was born. She testified of feeling so close to heaven. I wanted that for myself, but came to realize that this specific experience was not going to be part of my journey in mortality. It was a hard reality to come to terms with.
Happily, my husband and I now have four incredible children. Each one of these fiery little spirits found us through adoption. The journey of becoming a family through adoption has been replete with heartache, miracles, unconditional love, and intense spiritual moments. For my mama heart, the crowning spiritual moment of each of their stories (so far!) has been having each of them sealed to us in the temple.
While in the temple for our third child’s sealing, my best friend whispered to me, “Lindsey, this is your delivery room.” The revelation that this was the moment I had really always dreamed of filled me with the Spirit of God and a burning testimony of the sealing power. Just like my mom described her delivery room experience, I too felt so close to heaven.
We are preparing as a family to attend the temple again to have our youngest child sealed to us. My hope is that it will be something that our older children will remember for the rest of their lives. I want them to experience the same burning testimony that I have experienced. I want our sealing day to be extraordinary. I want it to be spiritual. I want everyone to be ready.
Preparing for our sealing while acknowledging that this is my personal “delivery room experience” makes me want to cherish every moment and detail of this truly sacred day. This is the real moment my soul has been longing for.
1. Take Time to Spiritually Prepare
Weeks and days before, spend a little extra effort in prayer and fasting for this special day. I like to pray for my children to have a spiritual experience. I fast for the peace and comfort of my kids’ birth families and do something special for them. I ask for the Spirit to be poured out on everyone who attends the ceremony.
To read the rest of the article, go to LDS Living.