Elder Renlund Gives Advice on Suicide Prevention

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Camille Thomas

Joined: May 2018

Have you ever known someone who has attempted suicide? If so, you may have asked yourself the following questions:

  • What’s happening to them now?
  • Is suicide the same thing as murder?
  • How do I help someone with suicidal thoughts who feels so far away?
  • Is the Atonement truly infinite?

Elder Renlund shed some apostolic light on these difficult questions. He has created a short video series on suicide prevention. His goal in making these videos was to remind us all that the Savior came to Earth to bear up the brokenhearted. This especially includes those struggling with suicidal thoughts.

bench Christ suicide preventionThere are eight short videos in the series with different points of emphasis.

Video 1—Understanding Suicide: Statistics show that at least one person in your congregation is struggling with suicidal thoughts. There is no time to shun them.

Video 2—To Parents after a Suicide Loss: It’s common for parents to question where they went wrong when one of their children commits suicide. But it is not their fault.

Video 3—Reaching Out to Help: If you feel like someone is having suicidal thoughts, it’s okay to ask that person directly.

Video 4—To Loved Ones Left Behind: “The Savior will sanctify to you your deepest distress.” Be kind and allow others to help you through it.

Video 5—Working Together: When you’re talking to someone who has suicidal thoughts, listen to the Spirit. Promise that person you will never leave him/her alone. And that neither will the Savior.

Video 6—Comfort After Suicide: The Savior is our first and most important source of comfort in dealing with suicide. He understands perfectly and He has a plan for ALL His children.

Video 7—The Survivors: A family whose son successfully attempted suicide.

Video 8—The Survivor: A woman who unsuccessfully attempted suicide and how she overcame her depression.

Watch and notice how central Heavenly Father’s plan is in EVERY life.

As members of the Church, we have made sacred covenants with God. With those covenants come blessings and power. The Spirit can give you the guidance you need to reach out a helping hand in the minds of those drowning in suicidal thoughts.

Don’t hesitate to call 1-800-273-8255 for additional, professional help. Sometimes thoughts on suicide are just someone pleading for a second chance.

Comment below on any experiences you may have had with suicide.