New Missionary Referral Tool to Help Your Long-Distance Friends Meet Their Local Missionaries


Long distance friendships can be hard. Long-distance missionary work can be even harder, especially when you don’t know how to contact your friend’s local missionaries. But now LDS Tools (an app you probably have downloaded already) has a new feature that will make long-distance missionary referral a cinch, and allow you to be there with your friend the whole way through.

The hardest part (at least for me) is getting a friend interested in the Gospel enough for them to agree to meet the missionaries. But once you have that, there’s no need to worry or stress about how to contact their local missionaries. LDS Tools (or has you covered.

Whether they live close to you or halfway across the world, if you input your friend’s information, the missionary referral tool will find and contact your friend’s local missionaries. You can add a message to the missionaries that includes why your friend is interested in the Gospel, what questions they might have, or anything else that might help.

screenshot of LDS Tools missionary referral
The missionary referral tool can be found when clicking on “Missionary” in the LDS Tools menu.

Additionally, the missionary referral tool allows you check if your friend has been contacted yet or not. Or, if your friend wants to go to church but doesn’t know where or what time to go, you can check those details as well.

Then, you’ll be invited to communicate with the missionaries to discuss how best to begin teaching your friend. Then they’ll contact your friend, introduce themselves, and arrange a meeting. You can join in on the lessons remotely through video chat or phone call if you want (which I think is really neat).

Between your continued friendship and the missionaries’ lessons, your friend can draw closer to Christ and learn more about His restored gospel.

screenshot of missionary referral
Or, on, the missionary referral tool can be found under the “Share the Gospel” tab.