The Secrets to Sharing the Gospel During COVID-19

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Brooklyn Gittins

Joined: Jan 2020

This week, as I was once again staring at the wall in my apartment (thanks, COVID-19), my phone buzzed. It was the sister missionaries! Yes, even during a worldwide pandemic, they still exist! After the rush of excitement, I was hit with the feeling of guilt. During a time when everyone needs a little kindness, I have been completely neglecting missionary work. But, how do you share the gospel during COVID-19?

Related: Serving a Mission During COVID-19. What’s it Like?

I know we’ve all been there. Missionary work is difficult! Plus, social distancing and self-isolation don’t seem like ingredients in the recipe for success for sharing the gospel. So, let’s tackle it. Together, we can discover the best tricks for being a missionary during this worldwide pandemic!

Call the Experts

I think our first stop should be our own local elders and/or sisters. They know exactly what’s going on with the work in your area. I’m sure they have countless ideas on how you can help them share the gospel during COVID-19!

While meeting with them in person might be impossible, please still make the effort to video chat with the young missionaries. They have been stuck in their apartments just like the rest of us, and they miss you! Even if all you can do is allow them to share a 5-minute spiritual thought, the Lord will provide you blessings.

If you have more time, offer to help virtually teach a non-member with them! Ask if there is anyone/anything they would like you to pray for. Take a picture of them and send it to their families. Any bit of participation helps!

Check With the Ward

man stuck inside trying to spread the gospel during covid-19

Every ward has a Ward Mission Leader (and most have some ward missionaries). While you might not be called to serve in this capacity, they would still love to hear from you. Check-in and ask if there’s any way you can lend a hand.

In my experience, ward missionaries focus mainly on the less-active members of the ward/branch. Are you friends with any less-actives? Perhaps you could make the first move and reach out to them. This would surely ease the burden of the ward missionary team.

Service Opportunities

When I served a full-time mission, I found that service opportunities were a huge help in forwarding the work. Serving people softens their hearts and prepares them to feel the Spirit. With all the chaos in the world right now, it can’t be too hard to find a chance to serve!

Chapter 9 of Preach My Gospel is all about finding people to teach. Near the end of this chapter is a huge list of ideas for connecting with those ready to hear the gospel. Check out the one about service opportunities! While a lot of the other ideas are specific to missionaries, there are some great suggestions for members as well.

Some of my ideas for serving during this time include sewing masks, picking up groceries for a high-risk friend, sending a scripture to someone, bringing a homemade treat to neighbors, and video chatting with a less-active member. What can you think of?

Preach My Gospel

Speaking of Preach My Gospel, this manual is not just for full-time missionaries. I find it a great resource for anyone looking for inspiration! There are so many great study materials within its pages. If you’re serious about improving your ability to share the gospel during COVID-19, spend some time with this book.

Check out the sections about members and missionaries working together and see how you can improve. Perhaps you could use your extra time to study the Christlike attributes in Chapter 6. Also, it’s never a bad idea to get more familiar with the missionary lessons. These basics are the foundation for an unshakable testimony.


covid-19 hugging through social media video chat

Luckily, the Lord has provided a pretty fantastic way to get our foot in the door when it comes to missionary work. Ministering to our assigned families can prepare us to teach non-members (as well as connect us with others).

Ask your ministering families if you could practice together! Pretend to be a non-member friend and nail that invitation to church. Challenge each other to post your testimonies online. The ideas are endless!

I believe that sharing the gospel with members is a form of missionary work, too. So, if all you can do is send a scripture to one of your assigned family members, do it. You’re furthering the work and you will be blessed!

Related: 7 Tips for Gaining Courage to Share the Gospel on Social Media

The Lord is On Your Side

President Nelson once said,

God is inspiring the minds of great people to create inventions that further the work of the Lord in ways this world has never known.

You have so many resources available to you! It truly has never been easier to spread the light of Christ (even when there’s a worldwide pandemic going on). I know that the Lord is proud of every single effort made. He will help you as you strive to share His teachings!

How are you sharing the gospel during COVID-19? We’d love to hear about it in the comments below!