Applications Now Open for Summer 2015 Pageants

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Kylie Ravsten

Joined: May 2014

Each year, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints puts on various pageants depicting the early days of the Church. Cast members and staff for these pageants volunteer their time and talents to the efforts of the productions.

Applications for different positions for the summer 2015 pageants are now open. The applications deadlines and performance dates are as follows:

Mesa Easter Pageant

Performance dates:  March 25–27, 31, April 1–4 (English), March 28 (Spanish)

Apply through October 15, 2014 at

Nauvoo Pageant

Performance dates: Tuesday–Saturday, July 7–31, August 1.

Apply through October 31, 2014 at

Hill Cumorah Pageant

Performance dates:  July 10–11, 14–18

Apply through October 31, 2014 at and visit for more details

Other pageants that will be performed during 2015 include the Manti Mormon Miracle Pageant and the Clarkston Martin Harris Pageant. These pageants will begin accepting applications during spring 2015. The dates of the actual pageants are as follows:

Manti Mormon Miracle Pageant

 Performance dates: June 18–20, 23–27

Apply during spring 2015 at

Clarkston Martin Harris Pageant

Performance dates: July 31, August 1, 4–8, 11–15

Apply during spring 2015 at

For more information on all of the different Church pageants, visit