Baltimore Stake President Calls Members to Unite in Fasting and Praying

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Bridget Kreis

Joined: Jan 2015

Michael P. Brady, LDS Stake President in the Baltimore, Maryland area, called for a fast this Sunday for “peace in our city, and, in particular, for the safety and hope of the youth of Baltimore who are beset by poverty and violence.”

Brady addressed the Baltimore Interfaith Coalition and invited leaders of other faiths to participate in the fast, which consists of forgoing food and drink for two meals while steadfastly praying for a specific cause. Members of the LDS Church donate the money that would be used for those meals as a fast offering, which money is directly used to help those in their local area. Brady wrote on the Baltimore stake Facebook page,

As we join together, we are confident that the Lord will open the windows of heaven for you and for those for whom we are fasting and praying.

For more information on the Baltimore fast, check out Baltimore’s stake Facebook page.