BYU Ranks as the Nation’s Top Stone Cold Sober School…Again
Today (August 4) The Princeton Review released its annual college rankings list, and Brigham Young University (BYU) is ranked as the nation’s top “Stone Cold Sober” university. This is the 17th straight year that BYU has received this top spot.
Here is the response from BYU’s twitter:
These rankings are based on a nation-wide survey of 130,000 students. According to The Associated Press, Princeton Review asked 343 students from each ranked college a series of 80 questions about their school and themselves.
The AP quotes the vice president of The Princeton Review, Robert Franek, saying:
Our purpose is not to crown one college ‘best’ overall or to rank these distinctive schools 1 to 379 on any single topic…We present our 62 ranking lists to give applicants the broader base of campus feedback to choose the college that’s best for them.
You can view the complete lists of rankings at