BYU and Utah ranked in US News and World Report Survey for 2015
Every year US News and World Report ranks colleges and universities on a variety of metrics. For the 2015 version of the national rankings, BYU is tied in 62nd place with Clemson, Purdue, University of Georgia, University of Maryland and University of Pittsburgh. The University of Utah is in a tie with Arizona State, Louisiana State–Baton Rouge, Ohio State, University of Cincinnati and University of Kentucky at 129th place. Utah State University is tied at 194th place.
A breakdown of the top in the nation and the Utah colleges is shown below:
A breakdown of the national college rankings based on programs is as follows:
For full time MBA programs, BYU ranked in 27th place in a tie with Arizona State, Ohio State and others, while the Utah MBA program tied at #63 with Tulane.
For full time Law Schools, BYU ranked 36th in a tie with Boston College, Fordham and UC Davis. Utah Law School ranked 49th.
For Medical Research, Utah ranked 52nd and 35th for Primary Care.
For post graduate Engineering, Utah ranked 53rd and BYU 102nd.
For post graduate Education, Utah State University ranked 28th, Utah 70th and BYU 83rd.
Utah State University has a regional ranking (West) of 58 followed by Weber State at 68, and Utah Valley University remains unranked.
In accounting, BYU dropped two places from last year’s number 1 ranking to number 3 with University of Utah ranking 26th and Utah State 38th.