Church History Museum Creates New Online Exhibit

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Kylie Ravsten

Joined: May 2014

The Church History Museum has created an online exhibit which focuses on the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. The online exhibit, “The Life of Christ,” is intended to supplement this year’s Sunday School curriculum of the New Testament.

The museum has tried to identify different pieces they have that many people are unaware of and showcase these hidden treasures to the online exhibit so that people all around the world can have a chance to view them.

Kevin Nielsen, project manager at, explained to Deseret News that their intent with the exhibit is to show people who Christ really was. Nielsen explains,

What we are trying to do with the ‘Life of Christ’ exhibit is really portray Christ as an individual. His ministry, his childhood, and who He was.

The exhibit contains 30 different pieces of art and is divided into the three following sections:

The Grace of God was Upon Him

This first section focuses on Christ’s childhood and the influence of his mother Mary.

Behold the Lamb of God

The next section revolves around Christ’s ministry, featuring art work depicting Christ’s baptism, preaching, and miracles He performed.

A New Commandment

The last section of the exhibit tells the story of Christ organizing His church on the earth—including the calling of the twelve apostles and establishing the sacrament—allowing a way for His work to progress after His death.


To view the exhibit and other online exhibits, visit Church History Museum’s website. The Church History Museum located in Salt Lake City is currently closed for renovations and will reopen Fall 2015.