Church Launches Website For Those Grappling With Same-Sex Attraction
As of Tuesday October 25, the new LDS website, Mormon and Gay, is up and running. The website features inspirational videos and stories about the lives of Gay Mormons, and how they reconcile God’s will with their own feelings of attraction. The website includes an FAQ section, tips for parents, and a section on the importance of self-mastery.
While some view the launch of this website as a step forward, others jeer at the idea a “homophobic” church could ever truly be accepting of the gay community. But for the most part, the gay community’s reactions to the website have been positive.
According the Salt Lake Tribune Mormon gay activist Kendall Wilcox applauds the Church’s willingness to allow interviewees to use terms like “gay and lesbian,” rather than insisting on “same-sex attracted.”
Ty Mansfield, board member at North Star — a support group for faithful gay Latter-day Saints — told the Salt Lake Tribune he appreciated that each story was told from multiple perspectives and included the thoughts and feelings of parents, friends, and bishops.
The website hopes extend a feeling of welcomeness for gay Latter-day Saints. Elder L. Whitney Clayton of the Quorum of the Seventy highlights the websites’ purpose in the following statement:
“Though we live in a time of great contention and division, we should not let division enter our families or our congregations. For he that hath the spirit of contention is not of me. The Lord Jesus Christ reached out with love and we are invited to follow in His example
We have given much thought and care to better understanding the experience of same sex attraction. And making sure individuals who feel such attraction and their families, feel welcome and part of the world wide family that is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
I now speak directly to church members who experience same sex attraction or identify as gay, lesbian or bi-sexual. We want you to know we love you. You are welcomed. We want you to be part of our congregations. You have great talents and abilities to offer God’s Kingdom on Earth and we recognize the many valuable contributions you make. If any of you are unclear about where the church stands on these issues, we invite you to please take the time to view the materials published at MormonandGay.churchofjesuschrist.org. Prayerfully seek the Spirit to provide the answers you seek and be assured that God loveth His children.”
Read more at Mormon Newsroom.