First Presidency Writes Letter Encouraging Church Members to Help Refugees

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Kylie Ravsten

Joined: May 2014

The First Presidency for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has written a letter to Church members encouraging them, as individuals and a ward unit, to help refugees who are fleeing for their lives.

In the letter dated October 27, 2015, President Thomas S. Monson and his counselors, Elders Henry B. Eyring and Dieter F. Uchtdorf, express their concern and compassion for the millions of individuals forced to leave their homes to escape danger from civil conflict.

Mormon Newsroom reports that Latter-day Saints around the world have provided aid for the past decade to refugees in the Middle East, in the form of blankets, clothes, medical supplies and food. 

The First Presidency thanks the members for their generous contributions that have allowed the Church to help previously and, to allow the Church to continue their donations, encourages members to continue to donate when possible.

Members may contribute to the Church Humanitarian Fund using the Tithing and Other Offerings donation slip,” the letter reads. “We also invite Church units, families, and individuals to participate in local relief projects, where practical.”

The letter asks local Church leaders from around the globe to read the letter during Sacrament meeting.

The prophet and his counselors conclude the letter, saying, “May the Lord bless you as you render Christlike service to those in need.”