Fort Lauderdale Temple Named Best Cultural/Worship Project in Southeast
ENR Southeast Contractors have named the Fort Lauderdale Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as the best Cultural/Worship project of 2014 in the Southeast region of the US. Each year ENR Southeast holds an annual project excellence program rating the best construction and design achievements of the past year. The Fort Lauderdale Temple will be highlighted in the upcoming November issue of ENR Southeast and at the annual Best Projects Awards Luncheon in Orlando.
Fort Lauderdale Temple:
Announcement: 3 October 2009
Groundbreaking and Site Dedication: 18 June 2011 by Walter F. González
Public Open House: 29 March–19 April 2014
Dedication: 4 May 2014 by Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Site: 16.82 acres.
Exterior Finish: Architectural precast concrete.
Ordinance Rooms: Two ordinance rooms (two-stage progressive) and three sealing.
Total Floor Area: 30,500 square feet.
The Fort Lauderdale Florida Temple was the second temple built in Florida, following the Orlando Florida Temple (1994)

Watch the dedication and inspiring shots of the Church’s 143rd temple.
Learn more about the Fort Lauderdale Temple at ldschurchtemples.com