Gay Support Group Issues Challenge to Read The Book of Mormon
In August 2005, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints participated in a challenge issued by President Gordon B. Hinckley. That challenge was to read the Book of Mormon by the end of that calendar year. Now, just nine years later, another challenge to read the Book of Mormon has been issued, however this time it comes from Affirmation, a support group for Latter-day Saints struggling with same gender attraction.
According to The Salt Lake Tribune, starting this week more than 100 members of the support group have accepted the challenge to read one chapter each day. Affirmation’s challenge is outlined on the group’s Facebook page as follows:
- Commit to Read one chapter of the Book of Mormon every morning, as part of your routine, until you’ve read it front to back
- Think about it, as casually or intensely as you wish
- Say a prayer as you get in bed each night
- If you want, share either your THOUGHTS or your PRAYERS
- In 239 days you’ve become Book of Mormon literate – or deepened your understanding
The Tribune reports that the purpose of this challenge is not to pick apart the scripture in a scholarly or critical point of view, but rather to approach the daily scripture study with an intent to individually grow spiritually.
Learn more about what Affirmation’s mission is at affirmation.org, and learn what the Church’s official stance on same gender attraction is at mormonsandgays.org.