Mayor of Manchester Welcomes First YSA Adult Center in Europe

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Adam Williams

Joined: May 2014

Friday June 6, 2014, Young Single Adults of the Manchester, England area have a new center that offers a chapel for worship, a recreation hall for activities, classrooms for teaching religious education and English classes, a family history center, as well as administrative offices.

History in the Making

The center is a landmark for the Church as it is the first YSA building erected in Europe. Other centers have been organized in Copenhagen, Denmark, and Berlin, Hamburg, and Leipzig, Germany and in the Czech Republic, but they used existing buildings to house YSA activities. Now, Young Single Adults have a place to go for church, institute and other community activities.

A picture of the five-story YSA building in Manchester, England.

The beautiful five-story building is located at the heart of Academic Centre of the University of Manchester and will be utilized by students and other single adults in and around the Manchester area.

The Church hopes that the building will stand, “as a beacon” for people with like standards and beliefs. A member of one of the YSA Wards who spoke at the opening ceremony had this to say about the dedication,

“This building, and more importantly, the people that you’ll find inside are the symbols of our religion. The things that we truly believe.”

Ribbon Cutting

The event coincided with the anniversary of the D-Day invasion of Normandy, France in 1944, and was attended by local leaders of the community, including the mayors of nearby towns. Also in attendance was Elder Clifford T. Herbertson, Area Seventy, who summarised the commemorative event, and counselled the young singles to be a beacon to the world.

“This is a special opportunity, not only for those who attend this building but for those who will come in the future … Our young people have the responsibility to share this light.”

[quote_box_right] “Today is another day of commemoration, D-Day. What a blessing it is for our young people who benefit today from the sacrifice of others.”[/quote_box_right]He also acknowledged, “Today is another day of commemoration, D-Day. What a blessing it is for our young people who benefit today from the sacrifice of others.” In honour of those who gave their lives, he referenced the words of an anonymous epitaph in Scotland, “We gave our todays in order that you could enjoy your tomorrows.”

The Future of the Church

In 2004 Elder L. Tom Perry said that the growth of the Church in Europe would come from 18- to 30- year olds. This center marks a fulfillment of Elder Perry’s initiative to focus on single adults in Europe and will be a source of support to members, new converts and other young adults who are investigating the Church.