Mormon Minute: Weekly News Recap for October 13, 2015
The Mormon Minute recaps news that’s happening in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This week, we talk about: changes made to the Presidency of the Seventy and Presiding Bishopric, the World Congress of Families Conference, and a song to help children memorize the names of the Apostles.
0:07 – New Church Leaders Called
The Church made changes to the Presidency of the Seventy and Presiding Bishopric following Elder Rasband and Elder Stevenson’s calls to the twelve Apostles. L. Whitney Clayton will serve as the Senior President of the Quorums of the Seventy with Gerrit W. Gong as a member of the Seventy Presidency. Gerald Causse will now serve as the Presiding Bishop with Dean M. Davies as first counselor and W. Christopher Waddell as second counselor.
0:32 – World Congress of Families
For the first time, the World Congress of Families will host its four day conference in the United States, this year in Salt Lake City. Several influential members of the Church including Elder M. Russell Ballard will speak. Presentations and panels will cover ways to protect the natural family. Tickets are available at wcf9.org.
0:52 – Apostles Song
And a singer from the LDS group ‘Mercy River’ has a song to help families memorize the names of all of the Apostles.
Check back next week for another Mormon Minute video and see how LDS members are making an impact in the world. Make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel for weekly news updates and inspiring videos.
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