Mormons Serving Communities Around the World

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Adam Williams

Joined: May 2014

The Mormon Newsroom has pulled several stories from their international newsroom to show what members from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have been serving their local communities.

Paraguay: Church Donates Blankets and Mattresses

Flooding victims in Asunción, Paraguay, in early July were given new bedding from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.


The donation was handled through the Center for Social Pastoral Chacarita and benefited many elderly people affected by the flooding of the Paraguay River.

Read more about how the Church helped on the Paraguay Mormon Newsroom website (Spanish).

Kenya: Church Helps Children Living With Cancer


Children suffering from cancer are getting help with their schoolwork by Mormon Helping Hands volunteers.

Many of the children living with cancer are confined to the Kenyatta National Hospital in Nairobi, Kenya, and have fallen behind in their educational progress having had to miss as much as a year of school. In July and the first two weeks of August, Latter-day Saints

Go to the Kenya Mormon Newsroom website to understand how the children are being helped.

Brazil: Tons of Clothes Collected by Mormon Helping Hands


In Curitiba, Brazil, about 200 Mormon Helping Hands volunteers assisted in the collection of nearly 25 tons of clothing in just one morning.


The project goal was to gather warm clothes for the poor for the coming winter. “We are ensuring a warm winter for everyone,” said Gerson Guelmann, superintendent of the Pro-Citizenship Institute, one of the sponsors of the annual clothing campaign.

Read more about the project and watch a video about it on the Brazil Mormon Newsroom website (Portuguese).

There are more stories about Mormons serving around the world that you can read about at