President Eyring Shares Pioneer Heritage, Discusses Losing Two Apostles
In a recent interview with Dave McCann of KSL, President Henry B. Eyring shared insights into his pioneer heritage in anticipation of being the Grand Marshall at this year’s Days of ’47 Parade in honor of Pioneer Day.
McCann prompted Eyring to consider the example of his pioneer ancestors and how that influences the way he looks at life today. Although people today may not be walking across the plains to arrive in Salt Lake City, people still have trials. Eyring responded, saying, “God got the pioneers through, he’ll get us through.”
We’re going through frontiers too and it’s tough. But look, there is a God and He is over all and He loves us, and if you try to be faithful and count on Him then you don’t have to worry.
After thinking back on the life of his great grandparents who crossed the plains, Eyring believes that they would advise him to “be strong” through life’s trials and hardships.
Recently, Eyring was faced with the trial of saying goodbye to President Boyd K. Packer and Elder L. Tom Perry as they passed on. Eyring explained that losing people close to you is hard and that it was like losing his own parents.
“When you have someone you love and you admire deeply you miss them but the feeling of gratitude is there,” Eyring said. “That’s the way it is to lose President Packer and Elder Perry. My thought is just regret that I hadn’t appreciated more and that I am now going to try to do the things they were trying to get me to do.”
To read the full interview between McCann and Eyring, visit, or watch the video, posted above.