Referral Center Missionaries Respond to Huffington Post Article

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C. D. Cunningham

Joined: Mar 2014

One week ago, The Huffington Post published an exhaustive look at the Referral Center Mission of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Referral Center Mission is led by Elder Austin Jorgensen, who acts as the district leader for the nine missionaries serving there. Yesterday Elder Jorgensen responded to the Huffington Post article by saying, “Even the title ‘Hook of Mormon’ makes us sound like used cars salesmen.” Elder Jorgensen admitted that interest in the article was driving additional traffic to the chats concluding that “all publicity is good publicity.” After reading many of the comments on the original article, Elder Jorgensen said that it sounds a lot like the chat traffic he sees, with lots of angry people, but a few sincere seekers for the truth.