10 Daddy’s Tips for Raising a Daughter

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Giulianna Collato

Joined: Jan 2015

This article was originally written by Gabe MorazanBelow is an excerpt from the blog www.loveplayandlearn.com

When my wife first told me that we were expecting, I found myself flooded with emotions – the largest of which was sheer excitement. I was going to be a daddy! The feeling of elation soon turned to fear when the question popped up in my mind: how do I be a daddy? My own relationship with my father was complicated so I feared that I was woefully ill-prepared for it. And then when we found out that we were having a girl, I became even more nervous. How do I raise a self-respecting, well-balanced daughter in today’s world? After a discussion with my wife, and now 19 months of on-the-job experience, I’ve put together a list of 10 things that I try to focus on so that my daughter can grow up to be the caring, thoughtful adult that I long for her to be:

1.      Love Her Mother:

I list this first because, arguably, this is the most important in helping to develop my daughter’s ability to develop, and maintain, a stable relationship in her future. Parents are the largest influence in this area and how you treat your spouse reinforces the kind of relationship that your child will seek in her adulthood. Love her mother, treat her with respect, and don’t be afraid to express your love for her in front of your children. Expecting your child to know that you love your spouse without ever showing/expressing it around them sends mixed signals. To put it simply, think of it this way: would you want your daughter to marry someone that treats her the way you treat your spouse?

2.      Tell Her She’s Beautiful AND SMART:

It goes without saying that fathers play a significant role in helping develop their daughter’s (really their son’s as well) self-esteem. Your daughter faces a world that is not afraid to bash her self-esteem, and/or self-image, in order to sell her something. It’s important that early, and often, you remind her that you think she’s beautiful, inside and out. Of course beauty isn’t everything and your daughter should know that you value her intellect as much, if not more so, than her appearance. Help her understand that her self-worth is not reliant on her physical appearance so that she learns not to base the value of others on their appearance. Teach her that beauty can be found in everyone and that intellect will help her live a rich and fulfilling life.

3.       Spend Time With Her:

We live in an increasingly connected world. Yet, paradoxically, our personal relationships have become disconnected as a result. Your daughter wants requires your attention. There are certainly times in which this will be incredibly difficult, given the demands of your career, but the investment of your time in her life will reap rewards beyond measure in her adulthood. Make sure that she understands, and feels, that she is your number one priority in life.  

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