12 Steps to Change: LDS Man Overcomes Drug Addiction with Second Step, Hope

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Kylie Ravsten

Joined: May 2014

Mormon Channel’s second video in their “12 Steps to Change” series explains the importance of the second step of recovery: hope.

Preston became addicted to cocaine and heroine while living with his brother, who was also addicted to the drugs. The addiction drove the two brothers to steal, and Preston realized he did not like who he was or who he was becoming.

On a visit home to see his family, Preston’s family expressed concern for the way he was choosing to live his life. Preston said his youngest sibling’s words struck the hardest when he said that he just wanted his brother back.

Preston confesses in the video,

I wasn’t happy inside. I had a lot of shame, I felt I wasn’t deserving of God’s love.

After attending rehab, Preston dropped to his knees, wanting to know if he could be forgiven. He began to have hope again and believe that God could restore him to complete spiritual health.

Watch the video posted above to learn more about Preston’s story. View other “12 Steps to Change” videos at MormonChannel.org.