12 Steps to Change: LDS Man Overcomes Sex Addiction with First Step, Honesty
The first video of Mormon Channel’s series, “12 Steps to Change,” focuses on the first and vital step to addiction recovery: honesty.
The video focuses on David’s recovery from sex addiction. Although he tried to overcome his struggles on his own, he found that his addiction was hi-jacking his life and ruining his marriage. “Some people think that sex addiction isn’t real,” David says in the video. “I ran my life into the ground because I couldn’t stop.”
One day after listening to “Fix You” by Coldplay, David realized he needed to take the first step in the recovery process. David reveals that the first step in overcoming addictions is honesty. He explains that you must “admit that you, of yourself, are powerless to overcome your addictions and that your life has become unmanageable.”
Mormon Channel encourages others to share their own experiences triumphs with overcoming addiction by using the hashtag #12StepsToChange.