9 Ways Church Members Can Help Fight Child Abuse

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Bridget Kreis

Joined: Jan 2015

This article was originally published in LDS Living by Jake Healey. Below is an excerpt.

During His mortal ministry, Jesus Christ taught that many people—even those who had never met Him—had provided Him with life-sustaining service. In response to the confused queries that followed this teaching, the Savior simply said, “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me” (Matthew 25:37, 40).

What did Christ mean by “the least of these?” The Savior and his apostles, both ancient and modern, have repeatedly addressed the importance of protecting children. Is any need greater, any plight more desperate, than that of an abused child? Just a few weeks ago, presiding Bishop Gary E. Stevenson said that the issue is “really [the Church’s] highest priority.” Bishop Stevenson and other Church leaders had just toured the Children’s Justice Center (CJC) in Salt Lake and donated $100,000 to the fight against child abuse.

This is an issue that many among us feel strongly about, but don’t always know how to help with. Here are nine ways we as members of the Church can follow the example of our leaders in providing much-needed assistance unto “the least of these.”

1. Donate Money

When it comes to charitable donation, the amount doesn’t matter nearly as much as the intent. It’s also important to keep in mind that paying a full tithe and generous fast offering does not necessarily exempt you from making other donations as you are able. Elder Jeffrey R. Holland said in a recent conference address that “we are to do what we can when others are in need.”

To read the rest of the 9 ways Church members can fight child abuse, go to LDS Living.