The Setting of the Last Supper: Christ as Servant of All


Most artwork created of the Last Supper gives a false impression of the scene, which was anciently designed to teach the apostles how to lead by serving. At the time of Christ, Mediterranean peoples reclined when they ate, usually at “triclinium” tables, which were U-shaped, enabling servants to serve from the inside of the arrangement, and celebrants to recline on the outside of the table arrangement.

Where people sat was also very important, as there were places of honor, a place for the youngest guest, and a place for a person both serving and partaking of the meal.

Watch this excellent video to see how Christ used the setting and seating arrangement to teach and train His apostles.

For more about the Passover and learn about the possibility of a Wednesday, rather than a Thursday setting for the Last Supper, see Gale T. Boyd’s book: Day’s of Awe: Jewish Holy Days, Symbols & Prophecies for Latter-day Saints.

Gale Boyd is the managing editor for She is a Jewish convert to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and has lived all over the world. She has raised 6 Third Culture Kids and is always homesick for somewhere.