9 Horrible Dads That Remind You of How AWESOME Yours Is

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David Snell

Joined: May 2017

It’s hard to see how great your parents are when you’ve lived with them for most of your life. It can be hard to see past the time-outs and the groundings and the “because I said so, that’s why”s.

Perspective is everything. For example, remember the last time you were terribly sick? Remember thinking that once you were better you’d never complain about anything ever again? Well, the same principle applies here … sort of. The hope is that after you take a look at these 15 awful on-screen dads, you’ll realize how amazing your off-screen dad is.

1. Darth Vader

Maybe your dad is a bit strict, but has he killed a Jedi Temple full of younglings? Didn’t think so.


2. Mr. Wormwood

Ah,ย Matilda. Blast from the past, right? She had a terrible childhood. Living under the tiny thumb of a con-artist like Mr. Wormwood would not be an easy task.


3. Judge Claude Frollo

Murder, corruption, outrageous hats … yeah, this adoptive dad is pretty messed up.


4. Mr. Dursley

Did your dad make you sleep in the cupboard under the stairs for over a decade? Probably not.


5. Thanos

If you know anything about Nebula and Gamora’s upbringing, you know that Thanos is not the ideal father figure. He would make his daughters fight each other. The loser (always Nebula) would lose a limb, which would be replaced with robotics.


6. Hugh Crane from The Haunting

This creepy horror movie from the late 1990s features one heck of a bad dad. Hugh Crane built a large mansion for a large family, but tragically, his children all died during childbirth. Crane goes insane and fills the house with the bones of children from his textile mill. Death doesn’t even stop his awfulness. Crane’s spirit keeps the children’s spirits captive within the home, resulting in a fairly haunted house. That’s … a pretty bad “dad”.

7. Homer Simpson

If you’ve ever seen an episode of The Simpsons, you know there are about one million reasons why Homer deserves to be on this list.


8. Truman’s Dad from The Truman Show

First of allโ€”great film. Second, Truman’s parents aren’t even Truman’s parents. They’reย actors. When your dad is getting paid to be your dad, believing he’s sincere can be hard. Especially when he fakes his death and shows up in your life again randomly decades later.

9. Archie Bunker from All in the Family

Let’s just say that there are about 50 more offensive videos I could have used to illustrate Archie Bunker. His political and social views were enough to make anyone cringe and, as you’ll see below, he was a bit naggy.


Well, there you have it. Nine horrendously awful dads.

We won’t take up any more of your time. Go give your AWESOME dad a call.