17 Reasons Mormons Aren’t That Great

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Gabriella Loosle

Joined: May 2016

1. We’re incredibly uptight.

Mitt Romney dance with Alex Boye
Mitt Romney dances with Alex Boye

2. We take ourselves very seriously.

3. We really only care about ourselves…

Mormon Volunteers channel aid to refugees near ISIS war zone and on resettlement frontlinesmormonshelprefugees

4. …and have no interest in helping out the community.

Mormon Helping Hands volunteers help clear downed tree after Katrina
Mormon Helping Hands volunteers help clear downed tree after Katrina

5. Mormon missionaries are just a nuisance…

Screen Shot 2016-07-14 at 9.44.18 AMI love mormon missionariesScreen Shot 2016-07-12 at 3.04.40 PMScreen Shot 2016-07-12 at 3.02.54 PMScreen Shot 2016-07-12 at 3.00.29 PMScreen Shot 2016-07-12 at 3.03.50 PM

6. Mormon girls are all plain…

image via rationalfaiths.com

7. …and uneducated.

BYU No. 1 hottest and smartest school


8. We’re all Republican…

US Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid
US Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid

9. …and white.


10. Definitely no diversity here…

A choir featuring members from Salt Lake City, representing over 50 different countries sing at the General Women’s Session of the 186st Annual LDS General Conference on Saturday.

11. …Or here.

Membership distribution mormons aren't that great
Membership Distribution vis LDS.org

12. We have no respect for other religions…

Screen Shot 2016-07-12 at 1.03.59 PM

13. … and we definitely don’t believe in Christ.


14. We’re not funny…

15. We’re just a simple…

Philo T. Farnsworth, inventor of the cathode-ray Television
Philo T. Farnsworth, inventor of the cathode-ray Television

16. … science denying people…

Henry Eyring, Chemist, Princeton Professor, and creator of the Eyring Equation
Henry Eyring, Chemist, Princeton Professor, and creator of the Eyring Equation

17. …who have Jell-O for every meal.

green jello mormons aren't that great
999/1000 Mormon millennials would not eat this.

Mormonism? Best not to dabble in it…
