AZ Stake Presidency Accepts Ice Bucket Challenge then Gives a Unique Challenge to Youth

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Kylie Ravsten

Joined: May 2014

The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge is flooding everyone’s Facebook and Instagram feeds as people from all across the world accept it and nominate additional people. When accepting the challenge, one is asked to dump a bucket of ice-cold water over his or her head (and/or donate) to bring awareness to ALS, or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (commonly referred to as Lou Gehrig’s disease). We at have already shared different Latter-day Saints accepting the challenge, but now we bring you another video, posted above, where the particpants add a Mormon twist.

The Hermosa Vista stake presidency in Mesa, Arizona not only accepted the ALS challenge, but then asked all of the youth in the stake to participate in an additional and unique challenge:

We also want to issue a second challenge to the youth to think about ALS in terms of ‘Always Living Your Standards.’ So on behalf of us, the stake presidency, we challenge all the youth in our stake to always live your standards.

After issuing the unique challenge to the youth, the stake president, Todd Robert Kerr, along with his counselors Jeff Robert Schneider and Samuel Joseph Bellamy Biggs, proceeded to dump ice water over their heads. The video was published to the stake’s Youtube Channel.