Incorporating Christ in Your Back to School Schedule

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Brooklyn Gittins

Joined: Jan 2020

Happy Fall! Can you believe it? Whether Summer flew by or not, we’re here. We made it. School is back in session (kind of)!

This time of year can get busy fast. Homework, extracurricular activities, and conflicting schedules make it easy to put our gospel learning on the back burner. I know I’m guilty of this!

I know I can be better. So, I decided to compile a list of sure-fire ways to incorporate Christ and His gospel into my back-to-school schedule! Let’s go!

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Mighty Mornings

Growing up, mornings were pretty hectic. I wonder if they would have been a bit better if I had put God first in my day?

Try waking up just five minutes earlier than usual. Give those five minutes to God by reading a talk or a chapter of scripture.

Take time to say a prayer with your kids or read them a verse before they head out the door. I’m a big believer that it will give your day a fantastic boost!

Spreading the Word

stack of books sitting and have multiple colors

As a returned-missionary, I am constantly trying to spread the gospel in my college classes. When making new friends, I make sure they know I’m a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints!

Perhaps you could challenge your kids (or yourself) to compliment someone every day! Or share a scripture with someone once a week. These fun challenges will spread the Light of Christ wherever you may be.

Dinnertime Conversations

Dinner time is maybe the only chance you have to sit down and relax for a few minutes. I always loved catching up with my siblings and parents after a long day!

Try taking this opportunity to ask what everyone learned that day! It could be anything from long division to humility. I think you’ll find that there is so much to gain from your family members of all ages.

Family Prayer/Scripture Study

mother holding tablet with her two children

This idea is a classic, and I know we all beat ourselves up for not being better at it, but with a new year comes new resolutions. I know there is a way we can all make this happen!

Family prayer and scripture study time doesn’t have to be an hour. It could be less than five minutes. There is no set way to do it. Follow the Spirit and do what is best for your situation.

Words of Encouragement

Elder Howard W. Hunter said, “Families are greatly blessed when wise fathers and mothers bring their children about them, read from the pages of the scriptural library together, and then discuss freely the beautiful stories and thoughts according to the understanding of all.”

I know that making time for the gospel, even when our schedules are hectic, will bless our lives immensely. Heavenly Father loves to bless those who put Him first. I wish you the best of luck with this new school year!

Related: Why Kids Are Happier During the COVID-19 Lockdown (Thanks, Science!)

What other ideas do you have? Please let us know in the comments below!