8 Ways to Remember the Joys of Being a Child
Remember how fun being a kid was? So care-free with no worries, no job, no responsibilities, no taxes. Just eating snacks and playing with your friends all day long. Adults may look jealously upon their care-free children, but today is International Children Day, were we honor children and everything that is great about childhood. So not only should you celebrate your children today, but also bring out your inner child and have some good, old-fashioned, kid fun. Here are some ideas on how to be like a kid again.
Think about it, kids are always happy. A good attitude and a constant smile will help bring happiness to you as well.
Remember the things you loved back to when you were a kid. What were your favorite books, movies, and snacks? What did you do for fun? Do it again and share it with your children.
Play the games you did when you were a kid such as freeze tag, hide and seek, hopscotch, etc.
Play-doh and Crayons
Make worms with play-doh and pull out the crayons and coloring books.
Eat Cookies
Give your diet a day off and chew on some goodies.
Don’t wait for Throwback Thursday to pull out the scrapbooks and reminisce on your past. Look at photos of you as a child or take some fun pictures of your day of being a kid again.
Water Games
If the sun is shining wherever you are, then fill up the kiddie pool, turn on the hose, and bring out the spray guns. Don’t forget the sunscreen!
Hang Out With Some Kids
This is an easy way to revert to the child within for obvious reasons. Let some kids’ infectious giddiness spread.