A Woman of God is Fearless

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Pam Peebles

Joined: Mar 2014

A woman of faith has so many qualities. Listen as Margaret D. Nadauld talks about all of these qualities and strengths of women in her General Conference address October 2002.


🗣: #MargaretDNadauld • “A woman of faith is fearless. She fears no evil, for God is with her. There is no ambiguity, no uncertain trump in her life. She can live a principled life because she studies the doctrine and teachings of a perfect teacher, the Master. She is a noble example to all who know her. She is less than perfect, of course, not because she doesn’t have perfect principles or the perfect example in Christ, but because she is human. She stays away from the evil influence and the unclean thing, and if it encroaches on her territory, she is as a lioness protecting her cubs. A fearless woman of faith has the courage to talk with her children about practices which would destroy them. They not only hear her discuss her commitment, but they see her commitment in her daily living—in the way she dresses, what she reads and watches, how she spends her leisure time, what she loves and laughs at, whom she attracts, and how she acts at all times, in all things, and in all places. She has a certain style of her own that is attractive and joyful and bright and good. Our little girls and our young women can safely trust in her example.“ — A Woman of Faith (Oct’02) Margaret D. Nadauld — #ChurchOfJesusChrist #WomenOfFaith #LatterdaySaints #ComeUntoMe #MissionBound #CalledToServe #Faith #Fearless #GeneralConference #LDSConf #LDSyouth #Women #BYUIdaho #BYUPathway #BYU #HearHim #Mother #ShareGoodness #LightTheWorld #ReligiousFreedom #HeavenlyFather #HolyGhost #DeclareMyWord #ChurchOfJesusChristOfLatterDaySaints #JesusChrist #Jesus #proLDS #LDStiktok #Mormon #ChristianTikTok #Christian #Truth

♬ original sound – Declare My Word