How Has God Shown up for You?

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Third Hour Staff

Joined: Nov 2023

Q: Tell us a little about your faith journey. You are a believer.

A: I was raised a Christian. I went to church every Sunday.

Q: What was the denomination?

A: C of E. Church of England. And then I strayed kind of midway through my teens and I think that it was a lot to do with the friends I was hanging around with. I’m obviously not blaming them, but I think I chose to step into friendship groups that offered me something I was looking for that maybe I felt I wasn’t getting from the church at the time. Something broken in me that I’ve choose to fix in unhealthy ways with escapism, substance abuse, drinking, partying, distractions… Life just got really bad. I just felt I couldn’t take it anymore. I couldn’t bear the load on my back anymore. I’ve been through loads of hard things throughout my life that have sort of broken me down and I never found a way of fixing them. You know in building myself back up I was just broken everyday. I didn’t have any part of my life that was functional. It was very hard to stay motivated and stay hopeful. At some point I think I just looked to the sky and I said, “if you’re there, just help me out man. I need some help right now, God.”

Watch the clip to hear the rest of the story!


Have you experienced a ‘harvest season’? What have you learned from the trials in your life, and how has God shown up for you? @The Charlie Smith Channel #jesuschrist #christianity #thechurch #faith #hope