Welcome to My Favorite Place in the World

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Third Hour Staff

Joined: Nov 2023

“Have you ever seen one of these buildings that kind of look like castles? Welcome to my favorite place in the world. This is the temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It’s God’s literal house here on earth. These holy buildings are the closest place on earth to God where we can feel His spirit and His love. On the outside of every single building it says, ‘HOLINESS TO THE LORD. THE HOUSE OF THE LORD.’

God has always commanded His people to build temples. Temples today have many similarities to temples in ancient scripture. Like the one Jesus taught in or the portable one Moses used. Notice how it looks like a classroom? Inside these sacred buildings, we learn more about the Savior and His Atonement, His sacrifice for us, and the plan that God created for each and every one of us for our happiness and our salvation.

We also perform baptisms for those who never had the opportunity to themselves in this life. Here, we are also married, not just until death do we part, but for eternity. It is through being sealed in this room that we can be with our families forever.”


Pull up to God’s house 🙌🏽 #temple #ldstemple #helives #jesusisking #churchofjesuschristoflatterdaysaints #lds #christiantiktok #christian #jesuslovesyou #godblessamerica #comeuntohim #godisgood #bible #mormon

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