7 Missionary Homecomings That Will Make You Cry and Feel All Tingly Inside

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Scott Gardner

Joined: May 2014

This beautiful video, done by Tell The Birds, shows a missionary homecoming from a whole new perspective. Not only do we see the family anxiously awaiting her arrival back home, but we get a glimpse of what Sister Guttery experienced on her mission, through footage that she took while out in the field.

We at MormonHub love missionary homecomings so here are a few of our favorites!

#1. “Where the freak is Mom?”

#2. Mom isn’t going to wait for you, Dad.

#3. The best Christmas present EVER.

#4. Sometimes one missionary homecoming just isn’t enough

#5. Families aren’t the only ones waiting for an Elder…

#6. Little sister charges the door

 #7. And finally, the only thing greater than a missionary coming home is THREE missionaries coming home. What a happy day for the mother of these three brothers, who all got home within twenty minutes of each other.