8 LDS Principles that Duck Dynasty Lives By
With Duck Dynasty just finishing up their seventh season, we couldn’t help but reviewing their close relation to the LDS lifestyle.
1. They Forgive 70 Times Seven
Like the time Jase filled Willie’s bathtub with crawfish; or the time Willie turned Jase’s office into a goat pen; or, when Si broke Willie’s new samurai sword; or, when Jase sunk Phil’s old boat. Some of the biggest mistakes are seen on this show, but at the end of the day it’s always shrugged off like it was never a big deal.
2. They Don’t Curse

3. Food is an Essential Part of Every Gathering

Like most LDS activities, there will always be refreshments or potlucks included in a Duck Dynasty gathering. Especially when Miss Kay is present.
4. The Men and Women Live Similarly to “The Family: A Proclamation”

The men in the Robertson family may like to goof off once and awhile and blow stuff up. But ultimately, they do a lot of work too from running a multimillion-dollar company and providing the main meat for family meals, to teaching their kids how to deal with love and life.
Although the women on Duck Dynasty aren’t featured in every episode, they play an important role in keepin’ the men straight and helping everything work out with a little bit of food and sweet lovin’.
5. They Enjoy Serving Others

Whether it’s helping the community or being their for the family’s special occasions, the Robertson’s–especially the Robertson women–are always looking for ways to serve others.
6. They Incorporate Family Prayer into Their Daily Life

Each prayer given at the end of each show is not only a blessing on the food, but a genuine message of gratitude and blessing towards the whole family and specific struggles of certain family member or events of that day.
7. They are Modern-Day Pioneers

It is common to see Phil and Miss Kay cleaning freshly-caught frogs or fixin’ to cook up some squirrel on Duck Dynasty. Their traditional ways and strong desire to teach their grandchildren how to be self-sufficient remind many viewers of how our ancestors used to live.
8. They Never Check Their Religion at the Door

The Robertson family is known very well for their Christian values because of the way they live their lives. The men, especially, have been extremely open about how they came to believe in Christ and are never ashamed to share it with others.
Duck Dynasty may be the best family-friendly show on TV right now. Do you agree with us? Are there any other shows you think fit these principles? Let us know in the comment section below.