David Archuleta Sings at 9/11 Memorial Service
For most Americans, the tragic events of September 11, 2001 are still ingrained in their memories, and likely will be forever. But the memories of the events which occurred afterwards—strangers helping strangers, an increase of patriotism, and a nation uniting together—are arguably even more unforgettable.
Yesterday, on the 13th anniversary of that horrific day, Americans joined together on social media platforms with use of the hashtag #neverforget, many expressing how they honor those who have fallen and vow to never forget the sacrifices made that day.
Latter-day Saint and famous pop star, David Archuleta, tweeted the following in memory of 9/11:
On the one year anniversary of the Twin Towers falling, 11-year-old Archuleta performed for a New York City Memorial Service at Fire Station 54 in Manhattan. The then young aspiring artist sang “God Bless America,” in honor of all the lives that were lost and all those who helped save lives on 9/11.
Watch the video of Archuleta’s moving performance in the tweet above, or on YouTube.