First Trailer Released for ‘Saturday’s Warrior’ Remake

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Kylie Ravsten

Joined: May 2014

SATURDAY’S WARRIOR – TEASER #1 – How is Freedom Treating You?HERE IT IS ladies & gentlemen, the FIRST sneak peek TEASER of SATURDAY’S WARRIOR, the Major Motion Picture featuring Kenny Holland!✨Is this your favorite song from SATURDAY’S WARRIOR? Let us know in the comments below! ✨We are BLOWN AWAY by how many thousands of you liked, commented and shared our post with the SATURDAY’S WARRIOR movie poster. You shared your amazing, heart-warming memories of SATURDAY’S WARRIOR and asked us to bring the movie to YOUR CITY! We read every single comment! We were so touched!✨NOW we need you to MAKE YOUR REQUEST OFFICIAL! The number of requests we receive BY ZIP CODE will determine where we bring the movie in the weeks and months to come following our Utah release on April 1st✨Simply text WARRIOR to 44222 and follow the prompts to submit a request for your city!#SaturdaysWarrior #April1 #GetReady

Posted by Saturday’s Warrior 2016 – The Motion Picture on Tuesday, February 23, 2016

The popular stage production, “Saturday’s Warrior,” is coming back as a motion picture in select theaters April 1, 2016.

When Lex de Azevedo, a co-writer of the play, announced the production would become a film, he said,

We are finally making a motion picture of “Saturday’s Warrior!” We are taking it to the next level…The things that I would have done [that I couldn’t have done as a] stage play, I can now do as a movie.

Yesterday, the first trailer for “Saturday’s Warrior” was uploaded to the film’s Facebook page. Along with the video, the Saturday’s Warrior team expressed that they are “blown away” with the thousands and thousands of people who have expressed interest in their movie.

The number of requests “Saturday’s Warrior” receives by zip code will determine where the movie will be released following the Utah release on April 1st, according to the official Facebook page. Request the film to come to a theater near you by simply texting WARRIOR to 44222 and follow the prompts to submit a request.