Gospel Doctrine Lesson 26

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Seth McDiarmid

Joined: Apr 2014

Here at LDS.net we want to help you teach the best lessons you possibly can. While every teacher needs to seek out his/her own inspiration for how to best help their own class apply the principles of the gospel, we hope pointing you in the direction of a few helpful resources will aid you in your process.

This Week’s Lesson: “King Solomon: Man of Wisdom, Man of Foolishness”

Supplemental Audiovisual Resources

These churchofjesuschrist.org videos are a great pace-changer, and are edited so you don’t have to sit there searching for the right time interval:

“Temple Ordinances are Crucial,” President Howard W. Hunter

Mormon Messages

Taken straight from the app, for your teaching pleasure:

“The Blessings of the Temple,” 2009

Quotable and Inspired Text

Here are some resources from other talks and manuals about similar subjects that you can peruse.

“In the World,” Elder L. Tom Perry

“The Meaning of Maturity,” Derek A. Cuthbert

Alternate Activity Ideas

Since every class has different needs, we brainstormed a few extra ideas for class activities that might prove useful to you.


Read and Discuss Matthew 6:24 with the class. How does an increased love of worldly things, like money, separate us from the Spirit of the Lord and the ability to judge wisely and righteously? How did it change King Solomon? How can we live in a world that depends so much on money and material things without “serving” these things?


Many problems came to King Solomon because he married outside the covenant. In modern times, how are things different and the same for those who marry non-members? Facilitate a discussion with your class about marrying wisely.