Personal Progress Helps Young Woman Win Congressional Art Competition
Although she has always been interested in art, Jenna Hurst never created her own artwork until she began drawing for Personal Progress. Since that simple goal, Hurst has won local and regional awards for her work.
In June, Hurst received the grand prize in a Congressional Art Competition, an award that Arizona Congressman Ron Barber presented to her.

Hurst’s mother, SueAnn Hurst, told Arizona Mormon News that Hurst really enjoys drawing people. Her mother explained that Hurst has the ability to bring out the subject’s personality in her drawings.
As a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Hurst shares her faith in Christ and her love of the gospel through various portraits using pen, pencil, or paint. She has created artwork of Jesus Christ, the late prophet President Gordon B. Hinckley, and First Presidency member President Dieter F. Uchtdorf.
Hurst first made drawing a part of her Personal Progress when she entered the Young Womens program at the age of 12. Now, four years later, Hurst has decided she would like to pursue a college degree in art with the intent of using art therapy to help others.