What to Read Right Now if You’re Mormon
There are some great reads for Mormons right now, many of them articles or books online. Here are some suggestions:
Saved and Supported by Mormon Sisterhood

Read this interview with Tracy McKay, who writes for By Common Consent and also at her own site, Dandelion Mama. Tracy has written a book called The Burning Point: A Memoir of Addiction, Destruction, Love, Parenting, Survival and Hope, which is her account of spousal drug addiction, a difficult divorce, and struggling through poverty.
Tracy made it through because of the unwavering, compassionate support of her sisters in the gospel.
What’s Really Lurking Online and How to Protect Yourself
Digital Mists of Darkness by Dr. Charles D. Knutson is a book for LDS parents and leaders, written to help you navigate the intersection of technology and moral life. The full text of this book is available on his website at no charge, with a printed edition coming soon. Here’s the table of contents for this valuable book:
- Technology: Bane or Blessing?
- Why All the Fuss?
- “Ye Shall Keep These Secret Plans from This People”
- Internet Pornography
- Online Predators
- Social Networking
- Cell Phones and Mobile Devices
- Chatting and Messaging
- Cyberbullying
- Online Gaming
- Malware
- Identity Theft
Mormons in Space

This article from Religion News Service makes Mormons and Mormonism sound a little whacko, but seeks to discover why Mormons make such good producers of fantasy and science fiction. A fun read.
A Global Mormon Studies Center at a Non-Mormon University
Claremont College is creating a global Mormon studies center to study Mormons and Mormonism around the world. Emphasizing that Mormonism is no longer just an American faith, Claremont College thinks it’s about time the world paid more attention to the Mormons. Watch this video at the Juvenile Instructor to learn all about it.
Life Isn’t Perfect—Even for the Holland’s

Patricia Holland lays bare the times in her life where things got hard enough to consider giving up. While we thought apostles and their families sailed through life with ease, because of their own spiritual greatness, nothing could be farther from the truth. Read Jeffrey R. and Patricia’s new book on how to find spiritual strength during hard times, On Earth as it Is in Heaven.
The Church Sends us out to “Other Resources”
This could be the first time ever that LDS.org has recommended outside (trusted) resources for the kind of deep study that can strengthen our faith and increase our understanding of LDS doctrine and history.
At this page on LDS.org, the Church recommends good reads from Book of Mormon Central, JosephSmithsPolygamy.org, FairMormon, and other sources.
Speaking of Other Resources…
Mormonism in Context has created a list of great reads to help you understand Mormon history. MormonisminContext recommends reading widely and deeply, because truth in historical accounts is very hard to come by. Historians piece together evidence, often scanty evidence, and come to the conclusions that seem true to them.
Archaeological Proofs for the Bible
Israeli archaeologists have found further proof of the Babylonian captivity that occurred around 585 B.C.
“During the four-month excavation, carried out in the Jerusalem Walls National Park near Jerusalem’s Old City, archaeologists found charred wood, pottery, fish scales and bones, grape seeds and ‘rare artifacts’ covered by burned charcoal and layers of building debris.
Read the full account at Religion News Service.
A Genealogical Mystery

If you are a family history buff, read this long but gripping story of a family whose DNA tests led them on a fascinating journey. In the end, they realized they are not who they thought they were. Imagine thinking you are Irish, but you are Jewish, and vice versa…
Millennial Mormons Website Resurrected
The Millennial Mormons website was extremely popular until infighting and loss of faith dispersed its bloggers. Now it is rising again under new management as MillennialMorms.com. Chris Koerner, who lives in Texas, but who has family in Ammon, Idaho, and Afton, Wyoming, is the new owner of the roughly 3-year-old blog. He hopes to provide uplifting and entertaining content for Millennials and is looking for contributors.
A Bit of Satire Never Hurt Anyone
When you are down, say your prayers, read your scriptures, do an act of service, and then read a few pieces on TheSundayPews.com. A little good-natured humor should keep you happy for awhile. David Snell and his compatriots make light fun of Mormon culture on the site, and do a superb job of it.
Now That you Have Eyestrain
Take a break from reading and have a look at these images of the newly remodeled, remarkable Missionary Training Center in Provo, Utah. The MTC has the capacity to train as many as 3,700 young men, young women and senior missionaries at a time. The open house begins at the end of July.
The expansion at the Provo MTC took more than two years to complete. It includes two new six-story buildings with 200 new classrooms, more than 100 practice teaching rooms and 13 computer labs where missionaries receive training before they are sent to their assigned areas around the world. Oh, and then, there’s the mountain view….
Read anything lately worth recommending? Share in the comments below.