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alpha_female's Achievements

  1. The key word is "knowingly". Are we confident the government never makes mistakes? What about when they tested the Atomic Bomb? I read that this caused cancer and other problems for lots of little Nevada and Utah kids. Read this:,3329...50010204,00.htm It is written in The Lord's newspaper so it must be true. My ex-husband's dad lived for a time in Nevada, and eventually died of pancreatic cancer. The ex believes that the cancer was probably caused because he was one of those downwinders. Scary stuff, it makes me glad I live where I do in Southern California.
  2. I was thinking the same thing, with all of the cruelty that has gone on in the last 100 years, God was so angered, He decided that we were unworthy of us being His heirs. That, and there is only 11 million members, maybe half are inactive, and Greg Dodge is the most popular person in SLC, since he processes removing the names from that number of those of us who resign our membership.Great signature, BTW
  3. What on earth are you babbling about Bright Eyes? Somehow you think this is about my children? I dying to hear how you figure that. While you are busy ignoring that practically all if not absolutely all cases of recovered repressed memories of ritual abuse are bogus, perhaps you can tell us one good reason to believe Martha Beck? Just one? I am a survivor of child molestation, I knew it was wrong even as a child, but there was a fear that I wouldn't be believed, especially when that witchhunt was going on in the 80's. For that reason, I put that trauma away for years until I started having body memories and flashbacks. I WAS NOT IN THERAPY AT THE TIME!! I did seek help, and my PTSD was so bad at one time that I had to use Paxil, but when I filed for divorce from an LDS Peter Priesthood, and ultimately resigned from your church, I was able to go off the drug. Today, I'm in a support group for other survivors and continue to get therapy. You know, I don't care if you believe her or not, but I AM TELLING THE GOD'S HONEST TRUTH!!! I am a SURVIVOR!
  4. Another thing to do is when you think you may be hungry, drink a glass of water instead, sometimes thirst can seem like hunger. Plus, drinking a lot of water also flushes out the system and when you don't drink enough, your body retains water from the food, which causes you to also gain weight. Both cardiovascular excercize and weight training, especially free weights helps to boost metabolism while you burn fat. Plus, for women, weights help to prevent osteoporosis by increasing bone density. I know I've lost at least 30lbs since I cut back on the high fat, high sugary foods, and joined a gym. I work out a minimum of an hour 3 times a week, often more because I'm into martial arts and want to build my strength so I can improve in this sport. I also have a family history of diabetes and osteoporosis, so I'm taking steps now in my late 20's to prevent these diseases.
  5. If this is the case, if any of the old presidents were to try and participate in the church today, they would be rejected because of their beards. Plus, if you look at most depictions of Christ, He has long hair and a beard, if He were to return, He'd be rejected for the same reason. Interestingly, in early Christian art, Christ is depicted as clean-shaven. It was only later that He ended up with looking like a hippie.
  6. Right on! Statistics actually show that the majority of pedophiles are respected, HETEROSEXUAL males. Most homosexuals out there aren't out to turn everyone gay, nor are they after your children. Only bigotry is.Incidentally, I know someone who knew the family, and they were described to me as WIERDOS!! This person was only refering to Martha's dad as being the MAJOR WEIRDO out of all of them, plus her mom was so clinically depressed that she rarely came out of her room only to verbally abuse her children. Martha's the sanest of all of them.
  7. Same here, I only went to one LD$ church service on Easter, and all they talked about was Joe Smith, which left me feeling cheated, being a convert. By the following Easter, I had already resigned after an abusive marriage to a Peter Priesthood that I managed to escape from. Since resigning, I love going to any other church where they actually celebrates Christ's resurrection. I would also be annoyed about Fast Sunday being on Easter, because Easter to me is one of the 3 days of the year where you can get away with a large feast, Thanksgiving and Xmas being the others. After eating all day Sunday, including a nice breakfast at a restaurant, I'm hitting the gym on Monday and the rest of the week.
  9. Oh, stuff like how Joe Smith married 14 year old girls, and BY had 55 wives. Basically polygamy that the fundies who committed the murders practiced because it was the original practice of your church.
  10. I just want to say that I just finished Martha Beck's new book "Leaving the Saints" and I really enjoyed it. I believe her story about being molested by her father, and even though it sounds like an ant-Mormon book, it really isn't. Her depiction of those flashbacks was very much like my own experiences about 4 years ago, and I was NOT in therapy when they came up. In fact, when I was molested by a male babysitter who was not Mormon, it was during the McMartin case and other witchhunts, so I kept quiet because I didn't think I'd be believed. I admire Ms Beck for her courage to tell her story, she will help other survivors like myself speak out against child sexual abuse.
  11. I just want to say that I loved Under the Banner of Heaven, it had a lot of interesting information about the fundamentalists, as well as the true history of the church. I strongly recommend you read it.
  12. Even though I'm female, I am an ordained minister. Hope you're not offended that a woman has this priesthood!
  13. There is no lesser sex, both males and females are created equal. I am a feminist, but I love men as long as they treat me as an equal, and not as a baby factory. Even though my body is female, I have the mind of a tough male, and am too alpha to become a submissive doormat to any husband, and I will never re-marry or have children!
  14. Technically, I'm an exmormon in that I filed for divorce from an emotionally abusive Mormon and resigned my membership. I do however, have Mormon friends and I'm not out to destroy the church even though I never believed any of it. As long as polygamy is not practiced, Mormons and other religious people have the right to practice their religion, and I will protect that right.