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Everything posted by Over43

  1. This is the same pastor, who a year ago (according to NPR) plastered "No Homo for Mayor" on his church's marquee. I read that he has "postponed" the event until further notice. Probably had every news outlet in the wolrd ignored him he would have gone away. He has a congregation of 50. He has to do something to build the flock.
  2. Archeology, ad history are such a closed worl to anyone but the "academics" it is hard to get alternate theories "out there". Thor Hyerdahl showed that South American natives could settle Pacific Islands, and Middle Eastern cultures could sail to America (Rah and Rah II). But, the Ivory Towers keep clinging to there country club beliefs.
  3. I have been wondering when "they'll" start cracking down on the various "energy drinks" that have flooded the market. I had a student who drank so many of those first thing in the morning he'd vomit before first hour.
  4. Number six will be a problem, in high school I hlped dump over a blue outhouse. After reading this I'm starting to feel like "Chunk" on the "Goonies".
  5. I recall in an Elder's Quorum meeting once an Elder's Quorum president stating, "If you're a Democrat, you shouldn't be allowed to have a Temple recommend..." Not exactly the American way, nor "Church" endorsed. The unfortunate thing about US politics is the lack of debate and coversation. It's all yelling, accusations and threats. Someday Jospeh's prophecy, "The Constitution will hang by a thread.." will fall into place, and my guess is both major politial parties will be at fault.
  6. I have the Gospel Docrine class, we went through Hosea this afternoon. Who knows what Gomer was? She very well may have repented by the time Hosea met her? Jonah's great, gets the wicked Assyrians to repent, and gets angry because they don't get clocked.
  7. Over43

    Fahrenheit 451

    Public School, not on the "banned" list, and it was on a book shelf, all 35 copies.
  8. Over43

    Fahrenheit 451

    It was really an interesting time in my career. I had never been questiond about curriculum choices so it really irritated me, made me angry. I became the paria. When the year was over I gota job with a new better district.
  9. Where does a meekat fit into all of this?
  10. This is a classic Reader's Digest article from a few years back. I thought I'd share. Book Bonus: The Fortune Cookie Chronicles: A Winner | Book Excerpts | Reader's Digest
  11. I spent three weeks in the Middle East (Turkey) about 25 years ago. I loved it, felt safe, appreciated and was quite a curiosity as many had heard of Mormons, but few if any had actually met a living Mormon. The food was a lot of lamb and vegetables. Breakfasts were the best, bread (a loaf of uncut), cheese, melon. I didn't drink any, but their tea from what I remember was more of a medium for sugar. And, everyone smoked. (The men at least...) I have been to Germany for 3 days and everyone was pleasant and respectful. I made an attempt to speak the language and that appeared to please them. We in the US may joke about their promptness, but I was on a bus that had an accident, and we still arrived at our destination on time. I love the Caribbean. In the future I would like to return to Germany, as well as hike Bulgaria, and catch the Southern Caribbean.
  12. The best part is the last page. That's why I suggested the library.
  13. As I watch National Geographic and the History Channel I can't help but believe: A) They have an agenda B ) Junk science and history are alive and well C) Someone actually pays someone to film some of those shows (See The Real Wolfman) D) Just because you've been to college doesn't mean you're educated. Although I do like MonsterQuest. I'm with Wing, I have other issues in my life that are more pressing than Evolution.
  14. I don't use the word "compelling" to often, particularly in regards to film. Yet, yesterday the Documentary Channel ran a documentary entitled "Mortal Lessons", which I found to be quite compelling. It is an hour and a half presentation concerning two women who were diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. One had lived past her "expected" prognosis for 4 years, the second had lived 5 months longer than expected (and lived another 6 months past the filming...). The film also interviewed social, palliative and hospice care workers who work with the dying on a daily basis. Various religious points of view were expressed without naming religions. Two things stood out, 1. In the Western World we really have distanced ourselves from death with the attidtue that "That is something that happens to other people", and 2. bottom line, we are all going to die. It reminded me of the first sentence of a book I once read and can't remember the title of, "You can eat all the blue berries you want, do all the Bickram Yoga you can, and run countless marathons, you are still going to die..." (Or something like that.) In "the Church" we seem to have a more favorable attitude toward our deaths, and yet I think we still fight the idea. (I know I do...) If you can catch the show on the Doc. Channnel or pick up the DVD somewhere, I would highly recommend it. It was well done.
  15. I'd just borrow it from the library. That's what I did.
  16. I find that interesting, Mark McGwire is on the ist, but Barry Bonds isn't? I'm not saying this is rigged or anything...
  17. George Steinbrenner did what any owner of any business or team should do, he expected his investments to win. He did what most owners don't do, he put his money where is mouth was. He could be devias (the Dave Winfield scandal), but he could also make fun of himself (SNL 1990/1991). He could be compassionate. The closest thing we have today in the world of sports is, as far as owners are concerned, Mark Cuban. Mark Cuan has yet to win anything. He will be deconstructed historically for years to come.
  18. I read this latest book by Dan Brown (not a big fan necessarily) a few months ago, what stood out was Brown's apparent argument FOR the eternal nature of intelligences. Anyone else read this and feel the same way?
  19. Rough Stone Rolling, as mentioned above, does a good job. But Loud Mouth is right, predjudice and bias rule our world.
  20. Over43

    Fahrenheit 451

    I was reading F. 451 with a 9th grade class once and got called into the principal's office. Some members of the community were raising a stink because the book "didn't have the spirit with it." One lady told her kids to misbehave during class so it would disrupt us in trying to read it. When I asked her if she was apposed to us reading a book, about burning books and being ignorant she said, "Well of course!" Truthfully, sometimes I think a career change would be in order.
  21. Someone called me once and asked if I could bring a loaf of "bread" for sacrmament. I had a loaf of Roman Meal so I took it. I was told by someone, "thank you, but only 'white' bread is appropriate..." So, me, being me, told the person how stupid that was... In the end, someone else arrived with a loaf of white bread and I got to keep my Roman Meal. Probably two weeks later, I look into the sacrament tray, and behold, there was wheat bread. Most of us arrive at church as the white bread variety Mormon. (Which would probably describe ,me.) Sometimes though, wheat bread is a nice change. You can have short hair, no beard, gotee, or mustache, and still be a scoundrel. However, I draw the line at the mullet. On men or women.
  22. The Glycemic Index Try the above link, it wwould explain it better than I can. But, in short the glycemic index is based on white sugar which has a rating of 100. Then the "ladder" descends from there. White rice has an index of about 75, basmati rice is at 60, and brown rice lower. The gycemic load of a food will determine yourblood sguar and eventually insulin level. Some people believe that the glycemic load to a food, or where it ranks on the index is more important than the amount of "total" carbs that might abound in it. So one person might not eat apricots because they have "carbs", but on the glycemic index an apricot sits at about 30, which is quite low.
  23. If I tried to throw my wife out she'd remove a few of my teeth. I have no realm of experience here.
  24. What has everyone tried? I lost baskets full of weight on low carb, but it messes with my digestion. Low Glycemic is bland...(Or I just can't fight the sugar urge...I am weak!!) The majority of my "junk" calories come from soda, (I'm not a real pastry/cake/candy eater...) and I'm beginning to think soda is worse than cigarettes. (I type that half jokingly...) In March I came across the N S Diet which is: No Sweets, No Snacks, No Seconds, Except on Days that Start with S. (No S Diet: No snacks, sweets, seconds, except on days that start with S.) It worked well, but since summer has started I have been less adherent to it, but when school starts back up I'll have more structure. I have even tried the raw fruit and vegetable diet (years ago). I can't say it was bad, but then "they" installed an In-n-Out Burger about a mile from my home. That ended that pipe dream.