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  1. How long before he can get the Melchizedek priesthood after baptism? Yes, I'm thinking the boy must have been holding the microphone. That makes sense! I know my husband would find it a bit sad to not be able to even stand up there. Is it true that he could hold the baby then? Or I guess he could hold the mic like the boy did today... Or yes, we could wait but I thought it was a year before a convert could get the Melchizedek priesthood? Thanks for your responses.
  2. This is a very specific question.....theoretical in our case. If my husband and I want to have our baby blessed, but he only holds the Aaronic priesthood (as a recent convert), can he still stand up with the priesthood holders who are taking part in the blessing, lay his hands on the baby, etc? I understand he can't GIVE the blessing but he's wondering if he could stand up and take part. I thought the answer would be 'no' but today at church a teenage boy stood up in the circle with his hands on the little girl (family friend) who was getting confirmed? And he is 12/13 ish so only holds the Aaronic priesthood. Thanks!
  3. I have such a hard time with this doctrine. I try to pretend that it doesn't exist. I've read all of the justifications out there but I still can't wrap my head around it. It seems so wrong to me. I know I'm not alone in this because weren't there some changes to the gospel doctrine manual that makes this concept more vague...and then President Hinckley denied it.... Maybe if I put my fingers in my ears going "lalalala" long enough it will dissapear.
  4. Yeah, I know, and we're the butt of the joke....... I guess I can't decide whether to be offended or find it funny.
  5. I definitely think Orgazmo seemed really offensive. I didn't watch it because I think it's rated NC-17 or something and it would probably really annoy me. The thing I'm concerned with is that they (the creators of South Park) think the whole BOM story sounds so ludicrious and they cannot believe millions of people 'actually' believe it.
  6. Hey everyone, This was just brought to my attention by a friend and I'm not happy about it. The Book of Mormon the Musical It's going to be really mean and offensive. People are raving about it. I worry about how it will skew perceptions of the church. Aargh, these guys make me so mad!!! Why are they always picking on the church?
  7. It bothers me. It bothers me instinctually that our church, our Christian organization, the church of Jesus Christ, would actually condemn the giving of the haves to the have-nots, even if by taxation. It seems to go against the Jesus Christ that I know. I just don't believe that charity in all its good intentions is enough to provide for the needs of the people. And I feel we have a duty as human beings to provide for those less fortunate. I don't feel its taking away my liberty. I feels its what Christ would advocate, yes even politically and through social welfare. I'm going to stop posting on this specific thread because I'm finding it upsetting that our church leaders have said these things (especially Benson's admonition of food stamps). I'm going to go back to my Mormon Democrat group on Facebook and Mormons for Obama and live a quiet life, :) knowing I shouldn't speak up in church about my socialist leanings (and I'm being facicious there because i still don't see these european systems as socialist). I know you have all meant well but its reminding of me of the religious right on here, an organization I know all too much about and which I've always been so grateful the LDS church isn't like. God bless. :)
  8. I'm not saying we should all become marxists. I'm not advocating socialism in that sense. The topic was how I admire the European social welfare system. I won't use the world socialism on here anymore because I don't mean it in the pure theoretical sense. I'm talking about the UK, France, Sweden etc that provide a safetly net, health care, and help to everyone. Yes, this is done by taxes. I find it radical that anyone would think taxation is theft. I find it radical that someone would find social programs funded by the gov't to be theft. You say our church leaders don't condone any form of socialism but Pres. Uchtdorf is GERMAN and they have one of the more generous welfare systems in Europe. But then again, i don't consider Germany socialist, I just advocate their system, as I've been saying.
  9. How disheartening. While I appreciated learning those bits of church history from you, I find it sad that Pres. Benson dissaproved of food stamps. This was probably said by him when I was a little toddler living off of food bought for me with food stamps. And my parents aren't church members so I didn't have the church help feed me,either. I'm thankful for those gov't programs. Even if feeding a poor little child with gov't welfare is satanic and theft. Oh, and you told me to study this deeply and well....I am about 5 months away from my BA in Political Science so I've studied political systems quite thoroughly and I stand by my opinion that the 'socialist' style democracy practiced in Europe is akin to how I feel the Savior would have us be. I think there is a big difference between traditional socialism, communism, and just having a good welfare system.
  10. Good grief. Get around what fact? You are basically saying that European style democracy 'cometh of evil.' I have to disagree. And I would reckon Pres. Uchtdorf, as well as all of the other saints living in or from Europe, would disagree, as well. Oh, I don't think European democracy is unconstitutional, either. True, it doesn't fall directly in line with every thing written in our constitution (such as the right to bear arms) BUT our American constitution was based on European thought-The Magna Carta, Roussaeu, British common law, etc.
  11. Thanks a-train, I understand the context under which the leaders were talking about communism and socialism (the Cold War) and their statements make sense. I'm just relieved to see that it doesn't say that taxation to help the have-nots is Satanic in its own right. I have lived in Europe and it is a Europrean style DEMOCRACY I advocate. I understand many don't feel the same way. I grew up incredibly poor in a rural part of the midwest and if it wasn't for gov't sponsored programs such as Head Start and WIC I wouldn't have had any sort of leg up or probably not even my vaccinations. And I was a child so there was no way I could provide for these things myself with my own work ethic and will. I feel Heavenly Father blessed me with these gov't programs to help me on my way and now (again thanks to gov't Pell Grants) I am nearly a college graduate.
  12. Could you please specify where and who from Church leadership stated this? Did a Church leader actually say that compulsory taxation to give to the have-nots is a Satanatic counterfeit? I find that to be disturbing if it is true. What about all of the European countries which have a socialist stye democracy in place and in turn have a small homeless problem, health care for everyone, etc. I feel this is what Jesus Christ would want from us. I'm sorry, but I don't see how giving a bunch to charity in lieu of taxation is actually going to solve poverty and health care crises our country faces.
  13. If the slogan is trying to make people feel better, it should REALLY say: "There IS a God who loves you. Now stop worrying and enjoy His blessings." I get what those humanists were saying and think there's a lesson there.In that article it talks about people trying to scare you into salvation (think those sandwhich board people walking around with the sign "Repent now, the end is nigh", etc). So maybe a nice message just affirming that you are not alone and God IS there would help. Having been in London it can feel so worldy and its probably easy for an apethetic to get on the bus every morning and not take much thought for the Creator.
  14. Line that super concerns me in red...that implies we will be worshipped.
  15. Thanks everyone. I feel a lot better about it this evening. Believe it or not, it was my non-member husband (whom I was so worried about after that darn speaker on Sunday) that actually made me feel better. I did not discuss this 'issue' with him really, but today he said some really nice things about the church and it reminded me why I was upset in the first place....because he was there, and its HIM I really want to join the church. And why do I want him to join the church so badly? Because I believe in it! I just don't feel its a very endearing concept to investigators or even converts like myself. Maybe it will take time...and while I'm not going to jump on the godhood bandwagon any time soon, and I do not have a testimony of it despite the great responses on here,I feel assured that my over all testimony isn't going to be hindered like i worried it would be yesterday.