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beckysoup61's Achievements

  1. Many things are a reason I'm no longer practicing, each as equally important as the last. I was tired of people telling me I was wrong, evil, unclean, etc. when I knew in my heart I wasn't. I was tired of people passing judgment when only their Creator can do that. That's one out of many reasons.
  2. Thus why I'm no longer practicing Mormonism.
  3. Depends where you live and the members of your local congregation. Yes, tattoos are "frowned upon" and people may (and will) judge you because of it. I think you should do what feels best to you and make your own choices and don't let anybody at Church say anything different because of your tattoos.
  4. So, it's okay to blame one person for the Spirit leaving even if their intentions are good? Didn't know a member of the Godhead was so fickle. I don't think I need to say much here. While I believe something similar, I don't use the same terms. I can tell if a person has a good soul or bad soul when they are near me. I don't use the words clean/unclean because using that just dehumanizes the person and tries to rack guilt onto them. Something that isn't healthy for anyone.
  5. Ditto on that one. Males of that age usually have one thing on their mind. It's quite natural and normal.
  6. Why? Because a child is trying to figure out how her body works or because the idea of masturbation makes you uncomfortable?
  7. Are you kidding me? At that age, I would have killed to have a talk in Church about any of those issues instead of beating the dead horse over and over again.
  8. Waiting 40 years isn't right? Of course it isn't, it should have come to light years ago and the offending parties punished, but life isn't perfect and like other have mentioned, sometimes people have blocked out the abuse, or been so afraid to say anything at all. At least they've finally come forward, there are so many people that can never name their abusers.
  9. No offense, but is the Spirit really that fickle? Is the actions of one person really going to make the Spirit leave or change for everyone in that room?n
  10. Did you ever think it just might be because some of the meetings can actually be boring for some people? I'm not trying to be rude or hurt peoples feelings, but just because she feels it is boring, doesn't it mean it isn't for her. And she isn't wrong for feeling that. I've been to some boring-as-all-get-up meetings and I've been to some very spiritual ones. Not every meeting is going to be 100% super-happy-spiritual.
  11. beckysoup61


    There is a really great post on MormonAds here at this website
  12. Brigham City is actually one of my favourite "scary" movies. It's so creepy, yet so tender at the end.
  13. They still carry them in Deseret Book, along with Eragon, and several other "magic" books. Sherri Dew is the CEO of Deseret Book and if the Church had any problem at all with those books, they'd 1) Tell us outright, 2) They wouldn't be on the shelves at Deseret Book any longer.