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Everything posted by Lindy

  1. Me too Jane D! I had to search my underused brain cells and remember the password after the initial who, what, where, when, how and why thoughts screaming thru my poor little stuffed up brain.
  2. Sorry but one doesn't work at all and I really don't like the other one. So check me under neither.
  3. Dear estowife...... I'm sorry your not happy, but I am happy you say your raising your family in the gospel. Sounds like Satan is trying really hard to destroy your testimony little, by little. But you still have enough truth inside to make sure you raise your family in the gospel. As one mom to another- build on that bit of testimony you have left, even if you are not remotely interested in religion....... try. Satan is so strong these days, doing what he can to destroy marriages, families and individuals. Just try estowife ..... please just try. You never know how it can help.
  4. I'm not celebrating the shortened hours, just taking it in stride. But I can understand the happiness others have because of the extra time they can spend with their children. Sometimes Sunday is the only day of the week they have together as a family.
  5. I remember giving a Primary lesson many years ago, and did a little more research into and found the similitude of Abraham did to Isaac to what the father of Abraham did to Abraham. I found it incredibly interesting, but could not find the reasoning behind it. Thank you Traveler for that information.... it cleared things up for me, and I feel more in the know
  6. Lindy

    Quick question...... have the administration staff here decided on a new name for this site yet? Staying in tune with President Nelson's announcement awhile back?

    My inquiring mind inquires.

  7. So now what? Is Mormon Hub changing names to keep with President Nelson's statement of staying with the name of the Church?
  8. Thanks for the update Pam! No Internet or cable in our area for 2 days..... totally missed out on Church info since Thursday. Regained communication links 2 or so hours ago..... talk about incommunicado.
  9. Dear Vort- I was really talking about the Democratic senators not asking her any relevant questions about her allegations. They made statements instead of questions of relevance. I will have to fix that confusion of which party did what. You had a good post though- I agree with everything you said.... except the part of me being naive.
  10. I have something that has just been bothering me to no end...... and that is so many Democratic senators barking about Mrs Ford not having the FBI asking her more questions. Wasn't that what the hearing was for..... asking questions for Blasey- Ford to answer? The left side of the committee chose to use their question time to grandstand against Judge Kavanaugh, President Trump, and the Republican Party; instead of asking pertinent questions to Blasey-Ford. So many one-sided political statements made instead of asking the questions they (the Democratic senators) are now whining about not being answered. It actually makes me mad to even watch the news anymore... I can't email my thoughts to the offending senators because I don't live in their states....... and it just angers me that they are either that clueless, ignorant, or mean-spirited. Thank you for letting me rant.
  11. Several Sundays ago, we were asked to review the Conference talks from last April to help us prepare for the upcoming Conference. I was in the middle of reading a talk from President Nelson when this jumped out and bit me...... President Nelson said "We live in a world that is complex and increasingly contentious. The constant availability of social media and a 24-hour news cycle bombard us with relentless messages. If we are to have any hope of sifting through the myriad of voices and the philosophies of men that attack truth, we must learn to receive revelation." I know I have heard these things over and over before, but these words just seemed to jump off the page......"increasingly contentious", "bombard us with relentless messages", "philosophies of men that attack truth," it just hits home a big more this time. And to jump into another paragraph...... "But in coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost." We have been told for years that things are going to become worse and worse before the Second Coming, and we need to build and sustain our faith.... and here is our prophet giving us a dire warning that it will not be possible to survive spiritually unless we are really tight with the Holy Ghost and learn to listen and obey. With all the lies, contention, discontent, and venomous hatred we are subject to in our nation alone...... those words from our Prophet Nelson" we must learn to receive revelation." Are there more important words to prepare us?
  12. Sorry, I goofed- I was veering off to another subject, and thought I should move it. Sorry for the mess.
  13. You got a phone call from your Bishopric asking if one of them can come to your house to chat.
  14. Trav, I've tried to understand what all you are saying, but it sounds more like a dictatorship demanding a military obligation in order to vote in a free democracy? Doesn't sound very free to me.
  15. I'm not a lifelong member, but nearly 1/2 my life (and probably longer than a lot of the young un's) .... and most I've ever heard is wish upon wish a nearby temple would be named.
  16. No mental illness, not really, really dumb either; she just doesn't use her common sense in making some decisions that can have disastrous results.
  17. anatess2- In no way was I going for an insult. Just saying that my daughter is so inept and clueless when it comes to guns- that it is a scary thought to imagine her with a gun in a crowded area. And BTW she's in her mid 30's and should have good common sense.... but she doesn't. Her + gun + crowded area with a shooter= disaster Only meant that Grunt would take (his?) words back about untrained gun carriers if (he?) ever had to experience her with gun in crowd. The thought terrifies me. "Those who are afraid of gun carriers have a low opinion of everyday people. Your daughter shouldn't have a gun" Oh dear- I'm sorry if you misunderstood me...... I'm not afraid of those who carry..... I grew up around guns, I shoot guns myself with no problems (even hit targets)...... I just don't think that untrained people need to carry any weapon in a crowded area. P.S. your son has more common sense than his instructor, and yes my daughter should not have a gun (unless until she gets training..... and even then I'm not too sure)
  18. You've never met my daughter........ scary. You would eat those words really fast.
  19. Not fear Grunt. Common sense. Responsible people who own and carry a gun should be proficient in shooting said weapon. There should be basic common sense in knowledge and use of a weapon that can take a life. Knowledge means training.
  20. I did a quick research and found this one.... ...."Fifteen minutes into the movie, Gallion’s gun somehow went off, police say, striking the woman sitting in front of him.....". And I found this one...... "People with firearms training performed better than those without it.......'' "The Washington Post noted the latter “didn't take cover. They didn't attempt to issue commands to their assailants. Their trigger fingers were either too itchy – they shot innocent bystanders or unarmed people, or not itchy enough – they didn't shoot armed assailants until they were already being shot at.” I am not protesting against the Second Amendment- I'm a firm supporter. I only think that putting an untrained armed person in a crowded area is an accident looking for a place to happen. It's just my opinion.
  21. I understand what you said Fether, but I've seen untrained armed people and that scared me to death. I would probably yell 'NOOO!' at some untrained fool with a gun in a crowded place. An untrained citizen would probably shoot innocent people by mistake and not even get close to the gunman.
  22. This was for Disney's "Christopher Robin" ..... and it was actually the last big screen movie I saw. I would recommend it for any adult that liked Pooh and friends..... I loved the movie. Hubby was a bit miffed that "House at Pooh Corner" wasn't played, but that didn't bother me. Other than Pooh, I sat and watched Mission Impossible 1, 2 an 3 on DVD.
  23. Isn't it amazing that we have the ability to share, debate and elaborate questions, answers and opinions that we will never know the answers in this lifetime? Me.... I can just put it on my list of things I will find out when God does His Q&A class. I love this country! :-)
  24. It was good to laugh with you Chilean..... we needed to laugh :-)