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Everything posted by beefche

  1. It's not loose like a relish. I'm sure one could eat it room temperature or cold, but warming it up loosens it and allows it to coat the rice or noodles (in my case, spaghetti squash). I think it loosens due to the coconut milk (almost like it's got an oil in it). I think it's closer in texture with a pesto.
  2. Don't policy and fire have some kind of rivalry or feud or something? Does this mean you two are gonna start trading insults and daring each other to physical competitions? Congrats to mirk jr!
  3. My husband found this and I thought I would share. This is so yummy! Full of flavor but very healthy. I used 2 tablespoons with 2 cups cooked spaghetti squash and shrimp (just warmed everything in the microwave). My husband mixed some with brown rice. This one is spicy. There is also an Italian one and Mexican one that we are going to try to find.
  4. @unixknight amazing suit! Seriously, that is so dang cool! But, I want you to lose weight to not only be healthier but to see what other suits you'd come up with! Random thought: there was a Time Out for Women (run by Deseret Book and with lots of LDS speakers) at the convention center at the same time ComiCon was going on. So many people in costume. I was taking pics surreptitiously. Now I think I should have just asked them--I'm sure they would have said yes and have been proud to show off their talents! I was kinda funny to see some women walk by dressed so virtuous looking outfits next to a bunch of church ladies dressed for church. LOL!
  5. I am a ramen lover! I wish, wish, WISH there was some way to make it healthy. I've wanted to try a restaurant that makes fresh ramen because if I love the crud that comes from the local 7/11, I can only imagine how much better fresh would be! Hope you feel better. Drink those fluids and rest. Don't stress about exercise until you are better.
  6. Oh, yeah, I get that doesn't work for everyone. My husband gave me the stink eye when I told him this. He thoroughly disagrees with it. And, hey! It works for him to have his cheat days. He's lost a lot of weight doing so. I just have to change my way of thinking of food. I certainly don't ban unhealthy foods, I just have to limit them or try to make them healthier (I still have a brownie or cookie, but the ones I choose are so much healthier than Betty makes or that Mrs. Fields chick). I have a tradition on Superbowl Sunday to eat snack foods or make a decent meal with dessert--I'll probably do the same just make it a healthy meal with a small splurge rather than the day long splurge fest I normally would do.
  7. Today is Day 3 for me. Doing really well! So far, I've lost 4#. I don't officially weigh in until Sunday morning, but I wanted to see how much a difference it can be when I'm 100%. Pretty significant! Reading of everyone's success, not so much success, and suggestions help me. I appreciate everyone being so open on here! And thanks, SpiritDragon, for making great suggestions/advice. BTW, I'm someone who shortens people's names. Why is it I wanted to shorten yours to Spit? LOL!
  8. My husband does the same thing, NT. He eats within a certain amount of calories (no matter what the calories--which means he can eat donuts everyday as long as he's within his calorie count). Then he has a cheat day. His problem was sometimes those cheat days kept extending. He's now trying a cheat meal vs. a whole cheat day. Me? I can't do cheat days. I have a very unhealthy relationship with food (who doesn't?) and if I do a cheat day, then it eventually turns into cheat years. Someone once described a cheat meal/day as "so, it's ok to be in a healthy marriage 6 days a week, but 1 day you can cheat on your spouse? does that make sense? why choose to do that with your health?" That really resonated with me. Now I have changed my vocabulary. Instead of a cheat meal, I choose to eat this meal even if it isn't as healthy as other choices. For whatever reason, that helps me to look at my choices and make primarily healthy ones.
  9. @anatess2 girl, you need to eat (I understand while sick, eating takes a back seat). When you are healthy again, you have got to give your body food on a regular basis. Food is fuel--you are basically running your car on a nearly empty tank. By not eating regularly, you are sabotaging your health--even if you eat healthy, going without food for such long periods deteriorates your health.
  10. BTW, one thing I've learned in my health journey is change habits one at a time. I would get so overwhelmed with completely changing what/how I eat, exercise, journaling, etc. So, now I've changed habits one at a time. Want to get more exercise in but you are a couch potato? Then begin by simply parking further away in the parking lot. Walk around the store 1 time before beginning to shop. Take the stairs down instead of elevator (and work up to taking the stairs up when you can). Begin small and commit to just doing something today. Want to eat healthier? Then commit to eating a healthy breakfast. Once you get that down, then commit to eating a healthy breakfast and lunch. Step by step.
  11. That is my all time favorite from Ronnie Milsap. Last time my husband and I were in the Smokies, that song came on while we were driving in the Smokey Mountains in the rain! I regret we didn't stop and dance to it on the side of the road. LOL! I use myfitnesspal app to log my food. So, so easy! Today was good. I can tell because when I weighed myself this morning, I didn't let it depress me even though I had gained more than I guessed. My emotions are tied too much to the scale. I know that it's just a tool for me to use, but unfortunately I'm fighting again culture and a lifetime of thinking my worth and value lay in my weight. So, I limit myself to weighing once a week as a way to measure progress (not the only way I measure, but just one). I stayed on plan today and already feel physically better. I eat every 2-3 hrs and didn't plan well enough when I visited my dad. I went 4 hrs without eating and was so hungry when I got home. But, I still stayed on plan and am excited to see the results next week. Yahoo!
  12. I'm back on my program 100% tomorrow. I lost nearly 50 lbs on it before I lost my focus. Looking forward to feeling better within the week. My husband and I are planning on a vacation in the Smokey Mountains in March. So, we both want to be healthier by then. I'll take all the support I can get! For me, the keys to being healthy are 1) WATER! 2) keeping track of whatever you put in your mouth. 3) being consistent. I'm not a water drinker so this will be a struggle (always is). I've got some water infusers to help me but just plain water is always best (bleh!).
  13. I have an Android cell phone and can see who are my ministering teachers (the male and female) and who my ministering companion and assigned sisters are on LDS Tools.
  14. As I read your question, Grunt, I was thinking more along the lines of "If you truly believe that God is the one who led you to be baptized, then how can you think you'll go to Hell?" I would think that the person is doubting their own ability to distinguish God's whisper to them rather than doubting the LDS doctrines. Perhaps focusing on acknowledging the Spirit's voice and how they know it is the Spirit and not another voice would be beneficial.
  15. I just saw this on FB, Vort. Hilarious! I think I laughed the most at the ones who got angry.
  16. I've been endowed for 26 years (wow, that is a loonnnggg time). I still feel like such a baby when it comes to understanding temple ordinances. There are 3 things that have helped me: scriptures (primarily PoPG); pondering/prayer; reading about temples of the early days. Even then, I don't really understand the Endowment. I get the obvious (even then, what is obvious to me might not be obvious to others), but I'm clueless on nuances. My goal when attending the temple is to feel the Spirit and find one thing that stood out to me to ponder/study later. It helps when I attend with a friend so we can discuss our impressions while in the Celestial Room.
  17. If you both have depression, then I think going to counseling is very wise. I have a friend who is having marriage troubles and they see a counselor--each sees him alone to work out personal issues and then they see him together to work out marriage issues. Even if he decides to not see a counselor, you should seriously consider seeing one yourself. You admit you have some issues that concern you and seeing a counselor will help you work on those issues as well as things you can do for your marriage.
  18. Is your bishop fully aware of your schedule? Sometimes, people think they know something when they don't. Perhaps your bishop thinks your job is not as vital to paying for school and living expenses. Or perhaps he thinks you have more free time than you really do. My advice would be to talk to your bishop and share your concerns. Let him know of your availability as well as your feeling of being overwhelmed. In my experience, bishops will listen and either release you or let you know what you can do to fulfill your calling while still going to school and working.
  19. Growing up, I have many memories of being around my cousins and visiting aunt and uncles frequently. I now only have 1 living aunt so those visits are rare. And, as we grew up, the cousin visits became few and far between. Usually, we see each other at the random family reunions or unfortunately, at funerals. My dad (his whole family lives in Bulgaria) is good friends with a cousin of my mom. My oldest brother keeps in close contact with another cousin. Facebook is a wonderful thing as I'm friends on there with many cousins, both here in America and Bulgaria. I feel at least connected to my cousins although we don't see each other often. But, I wouldn't say I'm close to my extended family (as far as I'm aware there are no bad feelings between us, certainly not on my side).
  20. You'll be in the Motherland. You have to go to Temple Square. I believe on Thursday evenings, the Tabernacle Choir practices (their practice sounds near perfect....I watched one practice that the choir director stopped them because the 5th altos were a little flat I can't even imagine being able to hear that). Also, just go into the mountains somewhere. Anywhere. If you have time, go south and visit a national park--Canyonland, Zion, Bryce, Capital Reef, etc. And I think you should visit BYU, at least drive by it and see the wonderfulness of the greatest university. Enjoy! And I'm so glad you get to meet another nut from this group and that you'll have a personal guide! I love the people from this site!
  21. I made some of this mac and cheese for my dad the other day. I always think of my mom when I make it, but that day I thought of you too. I wondered if you still made it. Glad to hear you do even if you've profaned the sanctity of "real" mac and cheese. Ha!
  22. Oh my word, I'm so sick of filters. They went from funny to annoying within 15 seconds....
  23. The only thing good at Red Lobster are the biscuits. The last time my husband and I went to RL, awful is not a strong enough word for our experience. His cesear salad had shavings of wax...I think they called it parmesean cheese, but I'm positive it was candle wax. My shrimp pasta (not scampi, the alfredo type) had about 1/4 cup of oil. But, their biscuits were soooo good.
  24. @prisonchaplain You are the reason why I joined this forum. If a non-LDS Christian could be a moderator and interact so well with the members of the church, I knew that this place was something special. Thanks for being here and contributing so much.
  25. To some extent. My strongly held, personal belief stems from the covenants in the temple and results in my belief that I made a covenant to marry only in His temple which means I would only marry someone who was temple worthy and recommend holding. The fact that that choice would likely prevent my family from attending that wedding is more a byproduct of that belief.